Page 39 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 39
The Christian Life under the Government of God 38
The Expression “Live to Righteousness” Being Related to the Fulfilling
of God’s Governmental Requirements
The expression live to righteousness is related to the fulfilling of God’s
governmental requirements (1 Pet. 2:24). The life-giving Spirit whom we
have received into us is the Triune God Himself having gone through all the
processes to become the life-giving Spirit that could indwell us. This One is
working within us continually, so that the subjective work of the cross could
be carried out in our being. We are daily undergoing the inward working of
the cross and we are being made alive so that we may live to righteousness.
Our Being Saved So That We Might Live Rightly under the
Government of God, That Is, in a Way That Matches the Righteous
Requirements of His Government
We were saved so that we might live rightly under the government of God,
that is, in a way that matches the righteous requirements of His government.
In Christ’s Death Our Having Been Separated from Sins,
and in His Resurrection Our Having Been Enlivened So That in Our
Christian Life We Might Live Spontaneously to Righteousness under
the Government of God
In Christ’s death we have been separated from sins, and in His
resurrection we have been enlivened so that in our Christian life we might
live spontaneously to righteousness under the government of God (Rom. 6:8,
10-11, 18; Eph. 2:6; John 14:19; 2 Tim. 2:11). In Christ’s death we have been
separated from sin. If we are in Christ’s death, it is not difficult to overcome
sin, because we are not only separated from sin but also in His resurrection. In
His resurrection, we have been enlivened so that we might live our Christian
life spontaneously to righteousness under the government of God. Romans
6:18 tells us that we have been enslaved to righteousness. This is part of our
I hope that we would be touched by the Lord and that we would seriously
consider this matter of the God of government. In God’s government, we are
responsible to Him. ─ (A. L.)