Page 47 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 47
Living under the Direct Rule of God 46
Moreover, there is another function within the human spirit which we
call the intuition. We can see it very clearly in the living of the Lord Jesus in
the four gospels. In the past we always say that the Lord always lived a life
in fellowship with the Father. But in reality, the Lord always lived a life by
the intuition of His spirit. That means He always lived a life under the direct
rule of God. He did not only live by the conscience. Of course, He never
violated His conscience, not even once. The three parts or functions of the
human spirit cannot be separated. They are just like cogs in a wheel; they
affect each other. They can never be separated. If there is a problem with the
conscience, then there is also a problem with the fellowship. When there is a
problem with the fellowship, then there is also a problem with the intuition.
The divine mechanics of the human being tell us that these three parts are
operating together and affecting one another.
The Lord Jesus in His God-man living never violated His conscience,
not even once. He lived a life of continual fellowship with God the Father.
He was always in fellowship with God. The secret of the God-man living
of the Lord Jesus is John 6:57, which says, “As the living Father has sent
Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live
because of Me.” The context of John 6 is to eat Christ as the Word of God by
contacting Him as the Spirit. Deuteronomy mentions that Christ is the Word
that proceeds out through the mouth of God (Deut. 8:3). Man shall not live
by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God
(Matt. 4:4). Those words are Christ. The law, in Deuteronomy, is the second
law, or the repetition of the law, or the recitation of the law. The law is a type;
the realty of that law is Christ. He is the commandment, He is the statutes,
He is the ordinances, He is the word that proceeds out through the mouth of
God. Now, when we live by those words we are living in the theocracy. We
are living under the rule of God. This is how He lived His human life. He
lived by His intuition.
Mark 2:8 says, “And immediately Jesus, knowing fully in His spirit that
they were reasoning this way within themselves, said to them, ‘Why are you
reasoning about these things in your hearts?’” This verse tells us that Jesus
perceived in His spirit. There are many such verses in the gospels in which
people were talking and the Lord knew what was in their heart; He knew