Page 48 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 48

Living under the Direct Rule of God                        47

        what was in their mind (Matt. 9:4; 12:15; 16:8; 22:18; 26:10; Mark 8:17;
        Luke 5:22; Jn 6:15, 61). Everybody can hear the words but He knew what
        was in their heart and in their mind. How could He do that? This is through
        the intuition. The intuition is a direct sense from God Himself. It does not
        need to be a teaching that passes through our mind. It is a direct feeling in
        our spirit. We all have this kind of experience. There is a little difference
        with the conscience. The word conscience means with knowledge. If there
        is no knowledge in our mind with respect to good and evil, right and wrong,
        sin and other things, the conscience cannot operate so well. But the intuition
        is different. It is a direct sense of God. We all know what that is. It is not
        according to reason. In fact, sometimes, it does not make sense to our human
        reason or human logic. It makes no sense because it is another realm and
        this is the realm where the Lord lived in all the time. Mark 2:8 says, “And
        immediately Jesus, knowing fully in His spirit that they were reasoning this
        way within themselves, said to them, ‘Why are you reasoning about these
        things in your hearts?’” If I had been there, I would say, “Who is this person?
        He knows what I am thinking in my heart.”
            When I leave the Philippines, I’m going to go to Guam and Saipan. The
        last time I was in Saipan, I was preaching the gospel to a woman and one of
        the sisters was translating for me. As I was preaching the gospel this woman
        said to me, “Stop. Are you reading my mind?” I said, “No. I don’t know how
        to read anyone’s mind.” Then she said, “But what you are saying is exactly
        what I’m thinking.”  I told her, “That is the Lord. He knows your heart. He
        knows everything about you.” Through that experience she received the Lord
        because it surprised her. Of course, I had no consciousness of that. I was just
        speaking like we always do. This is the intuition of our spirit.
          In the Dispensation of Innocence, Our Seeing the Principle of God’s
        Rule; in the Dispensation of Conscience, the Principle of Self-Rule; and
        in the Dispensation of Human Government, the Principle of Man’s Rule
            In the dispensation of innocence, we see the principle of God’s rule; in the
        dispensation of conscience, the principle of self-rule; and in the dispensation
        of human government,  the  principle  of man’s rule.  The  dispensation  of
        innocence was the time that Adam and Eve lived before the fall of man.
        They were living in innocence so they were living under the direct rule of
        God. Then because of the fall, they had to begin to live by the conscience.
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