Page 18 - LDM2-Practicum-Portfolio (Bernadette Abo-abo)
P. 18
Our school implemented the Blended learning
modality, one of which is the Printed Module
prompted the Department of Education to create self-
learning modules. Zamboanga City Division initiated
the Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
(CapSLET). The teachers were given trainings to be
module writers thereby creating teacher-
made/written modules or CapSLETs. I was one of the
writers. I also developed Alternative Delivery Mode
(ADM) that was published by the Region. As shown
above.These modules were utilized for the Modular
Learning Delivery.
In addition, for my Online Delivery of Learning
(O.D.L.), I made a Facebook Page where I post
presentation, supplemental readings and videos for
my students. Furthermore, I created an educational
interactive game using MS Powerpoint presentation
to give supplementary interactive lessons.
Students are kept interested and excited with
teachers who are creating or innovating learning
resources. Pictures above are teacher-made learning
materials, PowerPoint presentations and video
lessons. It is a way to make learning fun, enjoyable
and informative.