Page 13 - LDM2-Practicum-Portfolio (Bernadette Abo-abo)
P. 13

                                     WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes)
                                     5.1 Designed, selection, organization

                                     & utilization of assessment strategies.

                                              ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES


                                    According to DepEd Order no. 31 s. 2020 or the

                             interim guidelines  for assessment and grading  in

                             light of the Basic Education  Learning Continuity

                             Plan. This will serve as a guide for teachers on the

                             assessment of student learning, and on the grading

                             system  to be adopted in this school year 2020-2021.

                             Due to pandemic, learners are graded on their

                             written works and performance tasks. Quarterly

                             Assessments are removed this school year.

                                    I designed, selected, organized and utilized

                             assessment based on the capabilities of my learners.

                             Assessment must be done if learners are done

                             answering and studying their self-learning materials.
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