Page 25 - LDM2-Practicum-Portfolio (Bernadette Abo-abo)
P. 25
Reflective Summary
7.4 Professional reflection & learning
to improve practices
When Covid-19 was started, our country was placed under a state of national
emergency. To prevent from spread and continuing health threat of this
coronavirus the Department of Education formulated the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) to ensure that learning continues while
guaranteeing the health, safety and wellbeing of all learners, teachers and DepEd
Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School
Based continuing professional development strategy. Through this LAC it helps
teachers to become engaged and share common challenges that they encountered.
And this will serve as the school- based communities of practice that are positive,
caring, and safe spaces. The content or topics of LAC session are very helpful in
the teaching and learning process. It is where the teacher’s role is to establish
learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. Another topic is
content and pedagogy of the K to 12 basic Education Program, the next one is about
assessment and reporting, then bringing 21st century skills into the teaching and
learning situations. And the last one is the process of matching the curriculum
content and instructional strategies relevant to the learners.
The objectives of this are very helpful to us as teachers during this pandemic
new normal situation. But for me, it is really to realize because considering
learners diversity, reporting assessment of learners may affect the quality
education of learners.
Learning Delivery Modalities (LDM) course 2 this are the different modes of
delivery of instruction during this new normal. Blended learning refers to learning
delivery modality using combination the features and distance learning. It can be
face to face and modular distance learning; face to face and online distance
learning; face to face and TV/ Radio based instruction; or face to face and any
other combination of distance learning. On this mode of delivery that we chose,
Blended learning is the most applicable to learners in our area. But the accuracy
and validity of the results of their assessment may greatly affect the quality
education because there are students who just rely to internet, and some are just
complying for sake of outputs but it is sometimes not their own ideas.
Assessment and Grading is a process that is used to keep track of learner’s
progress in relation to learning standards and in the development of 21st century
skills. To promote self- reflection and personal accountability among students about
their own learning; and to provide bases for the profiling of student performance
on the learning competencies and standards of the curriculum. Various kinds of
assessments shall be used appropriately for different learners who come from
diverse contexts such as cultural background and life experiences. Summative and
formative types of assessment maybe seen as assessment for learning. The
department of Education weight distribution is 30% in written assessment and 70%
in performance assessment. Most of the parts of the CAPSlet that will be assessed
is in the Try and Lets practice. Where Written would be recorded based on
questions that has Lower thinking skills. And in the performance those questions
with Higher order thinking skills. Moreover, we also added performance Task in
every Summative Test wherein there are at least 2-4 summative test every quarter.