Page 7 - June 2021 Donor Newsletter
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the self-expression and rich culture of the
performing arts. I was ecstatic when I found
out I could work with the Egyptian Theatre for
my nonprofit and NGO internship. COVID-19
has had crippling effects on the theatre, and
I firmly believe that as a community we need
to invest our time, money, and talents into
reconnecting the performing arts to showcase
culture, strengthen community, and provide a
unique outlet for entertainment.
This summer, I will be working on
strengthening the partnership between the
Egyptian Theatre and Northern Illinois
A NOTE FROM University. The NIU student population is vital
CASS KAMP for the businesses of DeKalb and the culture
of the community. I would like to establish
a foundational relationship between the
Hello! It’s time to take center stage and Egyptian Theatre and the major student-run
introduce myself. My name is Cass, and I organizations across campus. By connecting
am the summer 2021 intern for the Egyptian with students at NIU, the Egyptian Theatre will
Theatre. I am a senior at Northern Illinois reach a wider young audience to contribute to
University, graduating in December with a the health of the performing arts industry.
degree in Psychology, a degree in Rehabilitation
and Disability Services, and a certificate in Thank you to the DeKalb County Nonprofit
Nonprofit and NGO Studies. When I begin Partnership and the Egyptian Theatre for
adulting in January of 2022, I would like to making this summer internship possible. I love
pursue a career in child welfare or international the energy and vibrant culture of the staff and
relations, preferably with a nonprofit or NGO. environment at the Egyptian Theatre, and I am
The nonprofit sector captivated my attention excited to connect my passion for the arts with
because nonprofit organizations are mission- the culture and history of the Egyptian Theatre.
driven over profit-driven, collaborative, and I would also like to thank the Nonprofit and
have work that is different every day. NGO Studies faculty and staff for leaving a
significantly positive impact on my education
Since I was a child, I have appreciated live through real world experiences, individual
theatre. From attending the Chicago Symphony attention, and providing me with outlets to
Orchestra with John Williams to Wagner’s Ring explore my passions.
Cycle to the Joffrey Ballet’s Nutcracker to Dear
Evan Hansen and Hamilton to the live shows - - Cass Kamp
at Walt Disney World, my family has fostered