Page 21 - Power of Gratitude
P. 21

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                       ratitude should be a lifestyle rather than an end at the altar of
                       knowing.  It is in practicing gratitude that we find fulfillment in

           Gwhatever life has to offer us as humans.

                Once, a homeless blind girl took a begging position on the steps of

            a building with a black hat by her feet. It was the hat she had inherited

            from her late poor parents. So, it was understandable why she was left
            to the only option of alms begging. In her hands, each time she went
            alms begging was a raised sign which read, “I am blind, please help.”

                All the while that she did that, there were only a few cents in the
            hat - it was only some spare change from folks as they hurried past, too

            little to keep hunger out of the way. Some of the folks who stopped by

            to drop some pence off in her hat didn’t altogether do that out of the
            love of it. There were times when some had, from the fear of nauseating
            from the terrible stench which marked register around the little, would

            rather stand aloof and throw in some coins into her hat. At the sound
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