Page 27 - Power of Gratitude
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been diagnosed with asthma and with no money to purchase necessary
drugs; her little girl had survived that critical state of short breath. Just
then, as she sat weeping gratefully for her daughter, a man, one of the
recipients of Betty’s daily generosity, walked in. It was the moment for
Betty to be repaid her attitude of gratitude. The rest is history. That
little girl was revived as the man who had walked with several others
who heard about the incident had volunteered to foot the little girl’s
medical bill. She would go on to be sponsored through school by a good
Samaritan who was once a beneficiary of her mother’s good deeds. That
was the tale of a poor girl who had no hope of ever seeing the green light
of education.
Life changes are not pretty easy things to make. The most assuring
thing is that gratitude teaches us how to make those changes with so
much ease! Gratitude is easy to fathom and even more simple to put
into constant practice as part of our daily lives. Everyone responds to a
gracious and positive attitude. The aura around this is almost magical
in effect it has on our lives and the lives of those around us. With this
attitudinal tool, we can create our own magical lives!
There are a variety of first-rate self-help books on the market which
we can read to cultivate the ways and manners by which we can overcome
hard times with the singular tool of gratitude. However, we only read
them mostly for the fun of it, we feel impressed with our reading culture,
we want what they have to offer, but we still have a tough time trying
to make the necessary life changes. It will be helpful if we see ourselves
as hospital patients, who need medical assistance on what they must do
to stay out of critical health issues. It is has been found out that giving
a sick person a verbose health brochure to read to stay healthy isn’t at
all helpful as many of them do not read those manuals. However, when
patients are made to understand the value of preventative medicine,
their overall health improves dramatically. This is no dissimilar with
gratitude and the positive effect that it can have on one’s attitude.