Page 24 - Power of Gratitude
P. 24

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            but unfortunately, many think a demonstration of gratitude is merely

            convincing ourselves and others how much we have it.

                Gratitude has to be demonstrated daily and everywhere. Some surely,

            many individuals have things and people in your lives whom they are
            truly grateful for. However, these people are still not free from the web

            of anger and complaining attitude towards the so-called loved ones. If
            you are in the same category with such people, you should be aware

            that there is a lot that you have to do to come close to an attitude of
            gratitude. We are talking about an attitude that propels you to accept it

            all in good faith. No complaints about life. No murmuring about how
            life treats you, or about how some people are more highly favored than

            you are. You may have observed that when you just let gratitude unpack
            from sincere appreciation and value, that these things just continue to

            develop and take firm stamp in your life. Take some time to consider
            how you value yourself and others. Daily, be an advocate to others by

            expressing gratitude for yourself and to God by how you conduct your
            life. If you are not there yet, don’t fake it. Be patient and compassionate

            instead. Yes, gratitude is an essential element for living from the highest
            moral and spiritual standpoint, but so are honesty, authenticity, and

            love. Gratitude, like other intrinsic qualities you always have available
            to you, are not fake until you make it emotions. It takes awakening to see

            it in you. Expressing unconditional honesty and love is gratitude. You
            should almost not have to say it. It just must be lived and expressed, just

            as someone once said that “to utter our feelings of gratitude is noble and
            pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude

            is to touch Heaven.”
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