Page 6 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 1 - Jan. - April 2022 FINAL
P. 6
Message from the President
I Just came back from a great night at the Crest Hollow Country Club and started
writing my first President’s message. Wow, after so many years of saying, “no, not
me,” I am the new President of the Nassau County Dental Society. How did this
happen? After speaking to many past presidents, I kind of knew what I was getting
myself into. One said, “it’s not so bad,” another joked, “it goes fast—just like going
to the dentist for a filling.” But I am ready to lead our dental society, come what
may, and look forward to a good year at the helm. Thanks to all our members for
your support and a special note of appreciation to those who attended the
installation gala. It was a fabulous evening.
Now that the cold weather is behind us, we can look forward to longer and warmer days and all that
spring has to offer. A new beginning—the restoration of a more normal way of life. Our last two
general membership meetings took place at the Jericho Terrace. Finally, we were together again, face
to face. I know our members enjoyed the human interaction. Zoom meetings are good for certain
things, but I prefer to be with people in person. Let’s hope the rate of Covid infections stay low and we
can get back to doing business together, like we did prior to Covid.
I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our members who are moving up the ladder and know
we will work together well to improve our dental society: President-Elect Stephen Akseizer, Vice
President Douglas Schildhaus, Secretrary Elyse Patrella and Treasurer Don Hills. Go Team! Special
thanks to our Executive Director, Gene Porcelli for his dedication to our society, being a good mentor,
and orchestrating a great installation dinner.
Reminders on upcoming events:
Our General Membership Meeting on Monday May 2 at the Jericho Terrace. Andrew Salama will
present a lecture on Oral Surgery: Pathologic Pitfalls, Near Misses and Cautionary Tales
Give Kids A Smile Day on Friday May 13 at the Bayview Ave School in Freeport
Our Job Fair at the Westbury Manor on May 19—find an associate or even a new job!
Having stopped by to represent Nassau County at the Greater Long Island Dental Meeting, I was
pleasantly surprised to see how well it was attended and how great the lecture on Oral Pathology was.
I enjoyed seeing real faces again in person and learned a few new things about diagnosing lesions in
pediatric dental patients. Congratulation to all the dental professionals involved in bringing GLIDM up
to a new level.
Joe Brofsky
2022 NCDS President
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