Page 9 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 1 - Jan. - April 2022 FINAL
P. 9

Message from the Executive Director (cont.)

           General Membership Meeting, a course or event you are attending.  Do something to help get them
           involved!    If  you  don’t,  and  our  membership  drops  below  50%,  you  can  forget  about  our    political
           successes.    We  will lose  our  clout  with the politicians.  Then  who  will  have  their  ear?   The  Insurance
           Companies,  that’s  who.  Think  about  that  the  next  time  you  don’t  think  membership  matters.    The
           question always asked is  “what is the ADA doing for me?”  I can tell you firsthand, a lot behind the
           scenes that you never pay attention to...until it’s too late!  It’s time to start thinking… “What can I do for

           the ADA?” Help make your profession and your career stronger. Try to recruit just one new member.  It
           costs you nothing and will pay huge dividends in the long run.

            Stay well,

           Gene Porcelli


                                         On the Funny Side...

                                                              I’m  sure  almost  everyone  is  familiar  with  this
                                                              painting,  American  Gothic.  Painted  by  Grant
                                                              Wood, the impetus for the painting came while
                                                              Wood was visiting the small town of Eldon in his
                                                              native Iowa. There he spotted a little wood farm-
                                                              house, with a  single oversized window, made in
                                                              a  style  called  Carpenter  Gothic.  'I  imagined
                                                              American  Gothic  people  with  their  faces
                                                              stretched  out  long  to  go  with  this  American
                                                              Gothic house,' he said. The “funny side” is that
                                                              he used his dentist as the model for the farmer
                                                              and  his  sister  as  the  model  for  the  farmer’s
                                                              daughter, dressing them as if they were 'tintypes
                                                              from my old family album.' The painting quickly
                                                              became one of America’s most famous paintings
                                                              and  is  now  firmly  entrenched  in  the  nation’s
                                                              And as Paul Harvey used to say…”Now you know
                                                              the rest of the story!”

                                             Nassau County Dental Society ⬧  (516) 227-1112  |  7
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