Page 24 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 2 - May - Aug. 2022 FINAL
P. 24

NCDS | Classifieds continued

          ORAL SURGERY OFFICE CONDO FOR                         Dental chairs for rent in newly built office.
          SALE—Western Suffolk County
                                                                Located on 601 Franklin Avenue, Garden City,
          Beautiful 2,468 sq. ft., fully built out, surgical    Long Island. Plenty of onsite parking. CT
          suite, nicely equipped and turn-key ready.            scanner available. Office to be shared on
          Great opportunity and location for a graduat-         Fridays, and Saturdays. $500 / day for one
          ing resident or established surgical practice         chair.  Please email if
          looking to expand in Western Suffolk County,          interested.
          NY. Five treatment rooms, recovery areas,
          reception and waiting areas, private office/
          conference room, lab, staff lounge,       sepa-       PRACTICE FOR SALE- MASSAPEQUA, NY
          rate entrance utility/mechanical room. Pan,           Two operatory dental practice (plumbed for 3)
          Galileos CBCT, Boyd chairs, Criticare moni-           for sale in the Massapequa area. Great pa-
          tors and more. Call for included   equipment          tient base and location. Priced for quick sale
          list or private showing:
                                                                and transfer.
 or                    Call Peter (516)-655-9160.

            ADA Accelerator Series - Monthly webinar series on

             Reduced rate for new dentists on ADA CE Online

              ADA Success Program - offered to resident programs


            New Dentist Weekly Huddle - delivered weekly to new

            Award-winning ADA New Dentist News (print quarterly,
            Award-winning New Dentist Now blog

            Beyond the Mouth podcast

            Managing Pregnancy Resources - ADA Guidelines for Practice Success
            ADA Practice Transitions™ – helping dentists

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