P. 19

III. Score for Evaluation

                         Soal  Skor                             Keterangan

                            1.    4    Can explain descriptive text completely and clearly

                                  3    Can explain descriptive text clearly

                                  2    Can explain descriptive text briefly

                                  1    Can  explain  descriptive  text  with  a  slightly  erroneous

                            2.    4    Can give the correct and proper reason

                                  3    Can give a clear reason

                                  2    Can give reason briefly

                                  1    Can give reason with a slightly erroneous explanation

                            3.    4    Can mention and explain 2 generic structures of descriptive
                                       text correctly and precisely

                                  3    Can  mention  and  explain  1  generic  structure  of  descriptive
                                       text correctly and precisely

                                  2    Can mention 2 generic structures of descriptive text briefly

                                  1    Can mention 1 generic structures of descriptive text briefly

                            4.    4    Can explain social function of descriptive text completely and

                                  3    Can explain social function of descriptive text clearly

                                  2    Can explain social function of descriptive text briefly

                                  1    Can explain social function of descriptive text with a slightly
                                       erroneous explanation

                          5       4    Can  mention  and  explain  the  4  language  features  of
                                       descriptive text correctly

                                  3    Can  mention  and  explain  the  3  language  features  of
                                       descriptive text correctly

                                  2    Can  mention  and  explain  the  2  language  features  of
                                       descriptive text correctly

                                  1    Can  mention  and  explain  the  1  language  features  of
                                       descriptive text correctly

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