P. 17
A. Evaluation
1. Explain what is meant by descriptive text!
2. Why descriptive text is important?
3. Please mention and explain the generic structure of the descriptive
4. What is the function of simple present tense?
5. Please mention and explain the language features of descriptive text!
B. Key Answer
1. Descriptive text is text that aims to explain, describe, or describe
something in detail. This something in shape can be anything, be it
animals, objects, locations, and so on.
2. Because to describe or explain the particular person, animal, or places,
or another thing.
3. Generic structure of descriptive text:
a) Identification: an overview of a topic.
This section is usually in the initial paragraph. This descriptive text
structure aims to describe what will be discussed in the paragraph.
b) Description: an explanation contains specific features that the
described object, place, or person possesses
4. To tells the facts of the object being described.
5. language features or characteristics, including:
a. Specific participant: has a specific object, is not general and unique
(there is only one). For example: Uncle Jack, Borobudur Temple.
b. The use of adjectives to clarify nouns.
c. Use of simple present tense: to tells the facts of the object being
d. Action verbs: there are verbs that denote an activity (the activity
can be seen).
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