Page 16 - P&C Handbook
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Guides & Policies
Know Our Operating Principles And The Rules
When you know the rules such as expenditure levels and policies, it saves rework and frustration. These rules are usually designed to deal with issues you are likely to encounter as you Get Things Done.
Nuix Policies:
Nuix is a principles-based organisation but in some cases, it does make sense to have some 'rules' and these are set out in policies. Our policies underpin much of the guides and process information available on the Intranet. They explain how we will deal with issues when they arise and help us operate the business consistently. Make sure you are familiar with all Nuix policies.
Delegation of Authority:
The DOA describes the expenditure approved at the different management levels within Nuix and when purchase orders are required. It is set out in an easy-to-follow grid. Help is available from the Finance team.
Using Social Media:
The Digital Marketing team have provided a must-read guide to Using Social Media for employees along with a guide for Social Media Administrators (located below).