Page 7 - SYNERGY HomeCare Magazine - Winter 2016
P. 7


With more than 5 million    A s families learn to cope            Grade 4 - Grade 7
people in the United                  with an older loved one’s   An Early Winter
States diagnosed with                 Alzheimer’s diagnosis,      Marion Dane Bauer
Alzheimer’s, chances are    it’s important to help children
high that the disease will  and teens understand what’s           The Graduation of Jake Moon
touch your family in some   happening to that person — both       Barbara Park
way. Watching someone       mentally and physically.
struggle with Alzheimer’s                                         There are also many videos
disease is not easy for     Here are a few ideas on how           available online to help children
anyone. It is important     to help children deal with            learn about the disease and see
to remember the disease     Alzheimer’s disease:                  how other kids are dealing with it.
affects the whole family,
including children. It      ► Questions and Answers                You can find video resources on the
can be frightening and      As soon as a loved one is              Alzheimer’s Association website by
confusing for a child to    diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,            visiting and clicking
experience changes in       include children in the                on the Life with ALZ tab. You will
their loved ones. They      conversation. Offer simple             find the video recourses under the
may think, “Why doesn’t     explanations about the effects of      Kids & Teens section.
Grandma remember me?”       the disease. Reiterate to the child
Or “Doesn’t Grandpa love    that Alzheimer’s is not contagious.   ► Seek Support
me anymore?”                Reassure the child that he or she is  Children, like adults, need to know
                            not the cause of Grandpa’s disease    they aren’t alone. Check with
                            or behavior. Allow the child to       the local SYNERGY HomeCare
                            express his or her feelings, and      office to find out if there are any
                            most of all, listen. Children are     support groups in the community
                            great at helping adults understand    for children with loved ones who
                            what they need to know.               have Alzheimer’s.

                            ► Connect                             Coming to terms with a loved
                            Encourage children to take part       one’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis is
                            in familiar activities with their     tough. Explaining it to a child
                            loved one. Keep them engaged          can be challenging. Opening the
                            and connected through enjoyable       lines of communication can be a
                            activities like listening to music,   great step in the right direction for
                            looking through photo albums          everyone, no matter their age.
                            or coloring. Children can also be
                            included in caregiving tasks to       Visit,
                            help them feel involved, such as      click on Media Room and under
                            making a simple snack or getting a    Audio/Video 2016 there will be
                            glass of water.                       recommended reading list on
                                                                  Alzheimer’s disease from your
                            ► Education                           friends at SYNERGY HomeCare.
                            To boost a child’s understanding of
                            Alzheimer’s, read age-appropriate
                            books on the disease or take
                            advantage of other educational
                            resources. Children’s books about
                            Alzheimer’s can be found in local
                            libraries, bookstores or online.

                            Here are some suggested titles:

                            Preschool - Grade 3
                            What’s Happening to Grandpa?
                            Maria Shriver

                            Grandma’s Cobwebs
                            Ann Frantti
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