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prospects (Dickson et al).                       reducing  dependence  on  instant  fame  through
                                                              entertainment avenues which seem to be the way
             In  addition,  the  emphasis  on  superficiality  in   now.
             celebrity culture can erode young people's values
             and  sense  of  purpose  (Twenge  95).  The  focus  on   II.  Strengthen  Mental  Health  Support:  The
             physical  appearance,  material  possessions,  and   Government  and  other  health  related  officials
             fleeting  fame  can  overshadow  intrinsic  qualities   should provide accessible mental health resources
             and values like intelligence, compassion, humility,   and counselling to address anxieties and pressures
             respect and civic responsibility. This can lead to a   associated  with  aspiration  towards  unrealistic
             generation obsessed with self-image, social media   lifestyles. And encourage youths to build self-worth
             validation  and  the  accumulation  of  "likes"  rather   b a s e d   o n   p e r s o n a l   va l u e s ,   t a l e n t s   a n d
             than  contributing  positively  to  society  (Twenge   accomplishments,  rather  than  comparing
             102).                                            themselves to curated online figures.
                                                              Implementing  Stricter  Regulations:  The  social
               Addressing  the  "Celebrity-Lifestyle  Syndrome"   media officials should address cyber bullying and
             among  Nigerian  youths  requires  a  multifaceted   misinformation by holding platforms accountable
             approach  targeting  both  the  media  and  youth   for harmful content and promoting fact-checking
             perception. Here are some potential solutions:   mechanisms.
             1. MEDIA LITERACY:                               4. COMMUNITY AND FAMILY APPROACH:
             I.  Promote  Media  Literacy  Programme  s:  Media   I. The Family is the First and Immediate School of
             experts  and  scholars  need  to  educate  youths  of   a Child; the family should not fail in the education
             Nigeria  on  critically  analysing  media  content,   of these future youths about the value of hard work
             recognizing  bias  and  manipulationas  well  as   and moral success.
             differentiating  reality  from  curated  online
             personalities.                                   II. Engage Community Leaders and Influencers:
                                                              They  should  utilise  their  reach  and  credibility  to
                                                              promote positive messaging and counter harmful
                                                              narratives surrounding celebrity culture.

                                                              III. Promote Financial Literacy: Educate youths on
                                                              responsible  financial  management  and  highlight
                                                              the  long-term  consequences  of  unsustainable
                                                              spending  habits  often  associated  with  celebrity
                                                              Tackling  this  issue  requires  a  long-term,
                                                              collaborative  effort.  By  actively  promoting  media
                                                              literacy,  youth  development,  responsible  media
                                                              practices  and  positive  social  messaging,  we  can
                                                              empower  Nigerian  youths  to  make  informed
                                                              choices  and  embrace  healthy  aspirations  beyond
                                                              the  allure  of  the  "Celebrity-Lifestyle  Syndrome".
                                                              Dear Nigerian youths, arise! Make the best of your
                                                              life and beware of being mislead by inauthentic and
                                                              extravagant lifestyles.
             II.  Encourage  Diverse  Media  Representation:
             Media  promoters  and  reality  shows  should
             showcase successful role models in various fields,
             not  just  celebrities,  in  order  to  broaden  the
             aspirations  of  Nigerian  youths  and  highlight
             alternative paths to achievement.
             III. Transparency of Media Outlets: There should   WORKS CITED
             be a Push for responsible journalism that exposes   Branon Dave. Our Daily Bread. Donnelly printing solutions company ltd, 2022.
             the  pitfalls  and  complexities  of  celebrity  life,   Brown, J. The Role of Media Literacy in Reducing the Negative Effects of Celebrity
                                                              Culture on Young People. Journal of Media Literacy Education, vol. 9, no. 1, 2017
             emphasising  real-world  struggles  and  sacrifices   Cash,T. F., and Thompson, L. K. Body Image and Eating Disorders in Athletes.
             behind the glamour.                              Sports Medicine, 2007.
                                                              Dickson,  N  Ferguson,  E.  and  Fitzsimmons,  A.The  Influence  of  Celebrity
             2. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT:                            Endorsement on Young Consumers' Brand Attitudes.Journal of Business Research,
             I. Investment in skill development programs: The   Twenge, J. M. Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are Narcissists,
             Government should equip youths with marketable   E n t i t l e d ,   a n d   U n f u l fi l l e d .   F r e e   P r e s s ,   2 0 0 7 .
             skills and career options, fostering self-reliance and   celebrities-who-have-faced-wrath-nigerians-social-media/
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