Page 62 - Inner.cdr
P. 62
1. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m
old. What am I?
2. What month of the year has 28 days?
3. What is full of holes but still holds water?
FUNNY 4. What question can you never answer yes to?
What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
6. Where does today come before yesterday?
ANSWERS 7. What can you break, even if you never pick it up or
touch it?
8. A man who was outside in the rain without an
umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head
wet. Why?
1. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? 9. If you’ve got me, you want to share me; if you share
Because they make up everything! me, you haven’t kept me. What am I?
2. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? 10. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t
Nothing, it just waved. hold me for five minutes. What am I?
3. Why should you never trust stairs? 11. What has words, but never speaks?
They’re always up to something. 12. I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I
4. Why did the bullet end up losing his job? become "even" . What number am I?
He got fired. 13. Mary has four daughters, and each of her
5. What does a house wear? daughters has a brother. How many children does
Address! Mary have?
6. What do you get from a pampered cow? 14. The professor enters the class and says, "If
Spoiled milk. yesterday was tomorrow today would be Sunday".
7. How did the picture end up in prison? On which day did he make the statement?
It was framed 15. Introducing a man, a woman said, ‘His wife is the
8. What did one wall say to the other? only daughter of my father. How is that man
“I'll meet you at the corner" related to the woman?
9. Why is grass so dangerous? 16. A doctor was driving with his son in the car when
It’s full of blades they got involved in an accident that left the father
10. Why should you always knock before unconscious and the son badly injured. The injured
opening the fridge door? son was taken to the hospital and one of his legs
In case there's a salad dressing had to be amputated. However, the doctor who
11. Why did the mushroom go to the party? was to carry out the surgery, on seeing the boy said
Because he was a fun-gi "I cannot carry out the surgery, the boy is my son".
12. What food is never on time? Who is the doctor to the boy?
Choco-late! 17. Pointing to a photograph, Sudan said, "She is the
13. How does a farmer keep track of his cattle? mother of my son's wife's daughter". How is Sudan
With a cow-culator related to lady?
14. What do you call an alligator detective? 18. In a row of trees, one tree is fifth from either end of
An investi-gator the row. How many trees are there in the row?
15. Why don't they play cards in the jungle? 19. The more you take me, the more you leave me
There are too many cheetahs behind. What am I?
16. Why did the robot arrive at the event so
tired? ANSWERS
He had a hard-drive
17. Why couldn’t the sailor learn the alphabet? 1. A candle 11. A book
He kept getting lost at C 2. All of them 12. Seven
18. What do you call a skeleton with only a 3. A sponge 13. 1 brother
head? 4. Are you dead or asleep yet? 14. Saturday
A ‘nobody’ 5. The future 15. Husband
19. Why do barbers make good drivers? 6. The dictionary 16. His mother
They know a lot of short cuts 7. A promise 17. Father-in-law
8. He was bald 18. 8
9. A secret 19. Footsteps
10. Your breath