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timely  medical  attention  or  neglecting      V  Celebrate  Diversity:  embrace  and  appreciate
              vaccinations and proper nutrition. This can lead   the diversity of Nigeria’s cultures, religions and
              to  more  illnesses  and  malnutrition  among   ethnicities.  Teach  children  to  value  inclusivity
              children  and  sadly,  when  these  children  are   and reject discrimination (Tsabary76-80).
              desperate for relief, they may turn to substances
              that  can  lead  to  addiction.  It  is  a  concerning   VI Parenting Support programmes: Government
              issue among our youth, who are meant to be the   should  establish  and  expand  programs  that
              leaders of tomorrow.                            provide support and guidance to parents. This
                                                              can  include  parenting  classes,  counselling
              2. Limited Access to Quality Education: Parents   services,  and  mentorship  programs  to  help
              have  a  responsibility  to  ensure  their  children   parents  develop  their  skills  and  overcome
              have  access  to  quality  education,  however,  in   challenges.
              Nigeria, many children face barriers such as lack
              of  resources,  inadequate  infrastructure  and   VIII  Collaboration  and  Coordination:  Foster
              limited learning opportunities. This perpetuates   collaboration  among  government  agencies,
              the cycle of poverty and hampers the country’s   NGOs,  and  community-based  organisations  to
              development.                                    address parental irresponsibility collectively. By
                                                              working  together,  we  can  leverage  resources
              3. Role Modelling and Prejudice: Children learn   and expertise to make a greater impact (Fay and
              and imitate what they see more than what they   Cline 50).
              read in books. Some parents unfortunately set
              bad examples by engaging in corrupt activities   CONCLUSION
              or promoting prejudice, like discouraging their
              children  from  marrying  someone  of  a  certain   Improving  Nigeria  requires  everyone’s
              ethnicity. It is disheartening that some parents   involvement,  including  parents.  By  instilling
              even invent fake stories to support their biases.   strong values in our children and building close
              In  addition,  very  frequently,  parents  influence   relationships with them, we can create a brighter
              their children’s relationships based on their own   future  for  our  nation.Changing  Nigeria  for  the
              conflicts or issues with friends. After all this, you   better  begins  at  home  with  the  proper
                                                              upbringing of the children who are the future of
              expect the child to be better than you are? How?
              This  is  how  suspicion  and  discrimination  are   the country. Arise, O parents! Arise, O guardians!
              nurtured; perpetuating a cycle of prejudice and   Do your part in contributing to a better Nigeria
              misunderstanding.  These  are  a  few  ways,    by giving the best products to the society.
              compared to the many ways in which parental
              irresponsibility  has  contributed
              to the plight of Nigeria (Fay and
              Cline 45).
              WAY FORWARD
              I  Lead  by  Example:  Parents
              should  be  role  models  and
              demonstrate  the  values  they
              want  to  instill  in  their  children.
              Actions speak louder than words!
              II Open Communication: Create a
              safe  and  open  environment
              where children feel comfortable
              discussing  their  thoughts  and
              feelings.  Encourage  dialogue
              and listen actively.
              III  Encourage  Critical  Thinking:  Foster     WORKS CITED
              independent  thinking  and  problem-solving     Fay, Charles and Cline, Foster. Parenting with Love and Logic: Teaching Children
              skills.  Encourage  children  to  question,  analyse   Responsibility” Oxford University Press, 1990.
              and form their own opinions.                    Kenny, Joseph. Editor, Thomas Aquinas Being and Essence (The EnteetEssentia),
                                                              Siegel, Daniel J. and Hartzell,Mary.Parenting FromThe Inside Out: How a Deeper
              IV  MonitorMedia  Consumption:  Be  aware  of   Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive. Tarcherperigee,
              what your children are exposed to in terms of   Tsabary, Shefali. The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering
              media and technology. Discuss and guide them    Our Children”  Namaste Publishing,2010.
                                                              Olatunji, Daud. Causes of crime.www.
              in making responsible choices.                  rate-to-bad-parenting/Assessed date: December 29th 2023, 9:55pm.
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