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n order to be a patriotic
Nigerian, you must first examination and screening of asymptomatic persons by physicians on
Ibe alive and healthy. a regular basis as part of a routine health care process" (2010). In the
Maintaining good health is Global Journal of Health Science, Idang et al. see medical checkup as
one of the fundamental effective in preventing illness and promoting health as well as
pillars of a fulfiling and long reducing morbidity and mortality of different diseases in the
life. At the same time as cosmos(27).
leading a healthy lifestyle
that includes exercise, It is a periodic health care process usually done by health care facilities
balanced nutrition and for both genders and for all age groups at different periods of time
adequate rest is important, according to the patient risk factors (Nigerian Journal of Clinical
regular health checks are Practice, 2022). Regular medical checkup is also known by other
equally crucial. Regular names such as periodic health evaluation, annual physical,
h e a l t h c h e c k s a l l o w comprehensive medical examination, general health check,
individuals to stay proactive preventive health examination or periodic medical examination.
in managing their well-
health issues early on, and A medical exam typically includes the following basics: A complete
e n s u r e p r o m p t physical examination (including heart and lungs examination), blood
intervention. It is quite and urine tests, questions about your family's health history and any
unfortunate and sad that as other concerns you may have, screenings for high blood pressure,
crucial and necessary as diabetes, cholesterol, cancer screening, and more, emotional and
regular health check-up is mental health assessment (therapy), and lastly, vaccinations (shots), if
to the human person, a lot needed. (Web).
of people shun this vital
practice for fear of being THE BENEFITS OF REGULAR HEALTH CHECK-UP
diagnosed with something
dire or life-threatening; • Early Detection and Prevention of Health Conditions: Regular
f o r g e t t i n g t h a t e a r l y medical check-ups help in the early detection of various health
detection and treatment conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and
saves more cost with high hypertension. Early diagnosis greatly increases the chances of
chance of survival. This successful treatment.Routine check-ups provide an opportunity
article explores the vital role for preventive care. Doctors can assess your risk factors and
of regular health checks in provide guidance on
promoting longevity, the a d o p t i n g a h e a l t h y
overall well-being of the lifestyle such as exercise,
human person, as well as n u t r i t i o n , a n d
reducing morbidity and immunizations; to reduce
mortality. the occurrence of disease.
WHAT THEN IS REGULAR • H e a l t h E d u c a t i o n :
HEALTH CHECK UP? Regular medical check-
ups enable a patient to
According to the World receive important health-
Health Organization (WHO), related information from
"Routine medical checkup healthcare professionals.
is a form of preventive Patients can be educated
m e a s u r e s i n v o l v i n g about disease prevention,
thorough history, physical t h e s i g n i fi c a n c e o f