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             INTRODUCTION                                                              communication  by
                                                                                       e n a b l i n g   t h e
             Communication is a                                                        t ra n s m i s s i o n   o f
             basic part of human                -  R E V.  F R .  G A B R I E L  G O W O K  voice messages over
             existence  that  has  shaped  it  in  many  ways.   long distances.
             One of the fantasies of life is the rapid growth
             in  the  advancement  of  communication          The 20th century experienced a major boost in
             technologies  over  the  years.  Mankind  has    the  graph  curve  of  communication.  The
             moved  significantly  from  very  crude  to       invention of the radio by Guglielmo Marconi,
             unimaginable spheres of communicating and        the television, the computers and the internet
             whereas,  these  various  developments  have     all within the early to mid-20th century took
             brought much ecstasy to humans, it has also      communication to a whole new level. It was a
             been a source of certain problems. This work     period of transition from visual to audio-visual
             briefly analyses the growth of communication      communication  means  and  a  widening  of
             technology, its values to mankind and some       connectivity  between  communicators.  As  a
             problems that came along with it.                further  matter,  the  late  20th  century
                                                              witnessed the birth of mobile communication
             WHAT IS COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY?                means,  satellite  communication,  fibre  optic
              Technology of communication refers to the       technology wireless communication and Wi-
             various  tools,  systems  and  methods  used  to   fi.  These  inventions  made  communication
             transmit information between individuals or      more exciting and increased its efficiency at
             groups.  These  include  traditional  forms  like   break-neck speed. The 21st century down to
             w r i t t e n   l e t t e r s   a n d   f a c e - t o - f a c e   the  present  has  been  blessed  with  the
             communication,  as  well  as  modern             coming-to-be  of  smart  phones  and  apps
             technologies  such  as  telephones,  emails,     which  combined  various  communication
             instant  messaging,  video  calls  and  social   technologies,  social  media  and  instant
             media plat forms.                                messaging  platforms  such  as  Facebook,
                                                              Twitter, WhatsApp and the likes.
             E V O L U T I O N   O F   C O M M U N I C A T I O N
             TECHNOLOGY                                       C U R R E N T   T R E N D S   I N   M O D E R N
                                                              COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY
             Communication  technology  has  evolved
             swiftly with time. Communication began with      Modern  communication  bears  the  mark  of
             spoken language which dates back to as early     various  intriguing  trends  that  prove  that
             as human history. Sequel to that, in the era of   mankind  is  at  an  apex  of  technology
             the  ancient  civilisation,  mankind  developed   advancement  in  communication.  To  begin
             the  art  of  writing  down  the  desired        with, there is the evolution of 2G to 3G, 4G and
             information  for  communication  and
             consequent  upon  that,  the  printing
             press  was  invented  courtesy  of
             Johannes  Gutenberg  This  facilitated
             the  mass  production  of  written
             materials,  accelerating  the  speed  of
             communication  .  Samuel  Morse's
             telegraph and Morse code came next,
             and  these  allowed  for  long-distance
             communication  via  electrical  signals.
             The invention of the telephone was the
             next  big  hit  in  the  evolution  of
             communication as Alexander Graham
             Bell's telephone invention in the 19th
             c e n t u r y   r e v o l u t i o n i s e d
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