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“ which humans can be educated.
- L I N U S F I N B A R R T I Z H E
Knowledge The development of any community, society or nation, no doubt, is
enhanced by the quality of their education which is seen in the
education is a determinant factor that influences development of a
POWER skills and attitudes of the products of education. This is because
society. Take away education from the society and it would l seem
as though you have taken evolution away from it. Sequel to this,
education is no doubt, of great importance to man. We can develop
ourselves through Self-education and knowledge-acquisition by
putting to cognizance that every obstacle is a chance to expand.
We might face disappointment, discouragement, confusion and
said Francis Bacon. This lack of inspiration, however, if we make an effort to surpass all these
d e p i c t s t h e f a c t t h a t obstacles, we will grow into the committed and refined persons we
education has a major role to always want to be. This will go a long way to eradicate the extremes
play in human and societal of poverty, illiteracy, corruption and hunger because it would pave
development at large. The the way for employment among unemployed youths and also
knowledge and skills man create an avenue for wealth creation that would bring about self-
acquires is to empower him sufficiency and reliance, thereby contributing to the growth of the
to control, subdue, and economy of our country.
dominate nature as well as
modify it for his benefit. Brian Hervertt asserts that the capacity to learn is gift; the ability to
Inherent to this view is the learn is skill; and the willingness to learn is a choice. However, if we
proposition that man's must develop the skill of Self-education and knowledge-
development depends in a acquisition then we have to be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn,
way on his skills, and these hence, Toffler makes it clear that "the illiterates of the future would
skills can be obtained not be those who can not read or write but those who can't learn,
t h r o u g h q u a l i t y s e l f - relearn and unlearn.
education and knowledge In conclusion, Nelson Mandela, one of the prominent African
acquisition. leaders opines that "Self-education and knowledge acquisition are
Self-education is thus the act the most powerful weapons which can be used to change the
of educating oneself by one's world." This further emphasizes the importance of education, not
own effort. Nigeria is a only in our lives as individuals but also for the development of our
country with incredible society at large (qtd in Blair). Thus, if the skill of self-education and
potential, but it has been knowledge-acquisition is properly applied among Nigerians, it will
plagued by a variety of go a long way in moving Nigeria forward, thereby reducing the rate
c h a l l e n g e s , i n c l u d i n g of poverty, illiteracy, corruption, unemployment etc. in the country.
corruption, poverty, hunger,
illiteracy, among others,
which makes it seem as
though its citizens lack the
education we talk about. It is Works Cited
essential to note that this Blair, lona. "Is Education the Most Powerful Weapon We Have for Changing the Worl? Newn. cam. Ac. uk.
Accessed on l6th January, 2024.
education goes beyond just Brian, Hervertt. https://www.goodreads,.com/quotes/670952-the-capacity -to-learn-is-a-gift-the ability -
f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n a n d to. Good Reads. Accessed on 16th January, 2024.
encompasses all spheres in Francis, Bacon. Sacred Meditations. Published in London, 1597.