Page 45 - Inner.cdr
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s o c i a l m e d i a a l s o h a s
negative sides like bullying,
which can make people feel
excluded. It can also impact
mental health, causing
INTRODUCTION issues such as depression,
depending on how and when
h e r i s e i n p u b l i c it's used. The message is to
s h a m i n g fo r s m a l l use social media wisely, be
Tmistakes creates fear a w a r e o f t h e p o s s i b l e
and anxiety, making people n e g a t i v e e f f e c t s , a n d
afraid to take risks or make p r o m o t e p o s i t i v e
decisions due to potential interactions online.
ridicule. This behaviour
fosters self-righteousness and Considering these findings, it is essential to be mindful of
judgement, creating a toxic social media use and its potential effects on mental well-
social environment with being. The topic "STOP THE EXCESSIVE DRAGGING OF
l i m i t e d e m p a t h y a n d PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA; WE ARE ALL HUMANS"
f o r g i v e n e s s . C o n s t a n t emphasises the need to promote positive and respectful
criticism harms mental online interactions, encouraging empathy and
health, causing feelings of understanding among users”
inadequacy and depression.
Society needs to recognise THE COMMON TREND AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: Public
shaming on social media is a common trend that can have
this harm and promote a serious consequences. When people are unfairly criticised for
culture of understanding,
support and growth, where small mistakes, it can harm their mental well-being. Being
ridiculed publicly can lead to feelings of isolation, guilt and
p e o p l e c a n l e a r n f r o m
mistakes without harsh depression. The fear of judgment can cause constant anxiety,
making individuals hesitant to take risks or be true to
themselves. Some may choose to pretend to be someone
T H E P O S I T I V E A N D they are not to avoid criticism. It is important for society to
N E G A T I V E O F S O C I A L recognise the harm caused by this trend and work towards
MEDIA: Social media has both creating a culture of empathy and support, where people
good and bad effects. On the can make mistakes without fear of unjust treatment.
positive side, it helps people
feel less lonely, connect with SHARING IMMORAL MISTAKES: Sharing mistakes can be
helpful, but it is a double-edged sword. At the same time as it
others, and access health
information especially for can provide valuable lessons, excessive exposure can lead to
public shaming, stigma, and long-term damage to a person's
young people, it is a way to reputation and mental well-being. It is crucial to find a
strengthen relationships. The
balance by encouraging responsible sharing with