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                   PRA       CTICAL A               GRICUL             TURE O             VER
                          THEORETICAL TEACHINGS
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                          THEORETICAL TEA
                                                    -  G O R A P  L U K A  G O D W I N
            INTRODUCTION                                      the challenges of the future. The people need to be
                                                              adequately involved in practical agriculture to enable
                  ractical Agriculture is meant to train people in   them  acquire  the  necessary  skills  and  knowledge
                  various aspects of Agriculture as a means for   that  will  make  them  have  a  good  choice  of  future
            Ppoverty eradication, self-reliance and National   career. This will give them the opportunity to choose
            Development. The population of Nigeria is rising, we   between paid jobs and self-employment.
            are  urbanised,  and  the  demand  for  food  is  rising.
            Nigeria is spending all its money importing food from   The Importance of Practical Agriculture
            other parts of the world and currently, Nigeria is the
            largest importer of wheat in the world, accounting for   Every country in the world depends on agriculture for
            about  85  of  90  percent  of  wheat  import  from  the   one  thing  or  another.  Here  are  the  reasons  why
            United States. Nigeria is the world's largest importer   practical  agriculture  is  important:  It  is  the  main
            of rice and yet if you go all the way from Sokoto to   source  of  raw  materials,  It  is  important  to
            Bayelsa in the Mangrove area, you can grow rice.   international  trade,  It  plays  a  big  role  in  a  nation’s
                                                              revenue,  It  provides  employment,  It  is  crucial  to  a
            Agriculture                                       country’s  development,  It  can  help  heal  the
                                                              environment,  It is the source of our food supply, The
            The term Agriculture, is derived from two Latin words:   state of practical agriculture reflects our future.
            “ager”,  meaning  field,  and  “cultura”,  meaning
            cultivation. By this statement, agriculture means field   Means  by  which  Practical  Agriculture  can  be
            cultivation. This is not however a complete definition   Revived in the Society
            of  agriculture  since  agriculture  also  has  to  do  with
            animal production. Iwena (2002) defines agriculture   As it is well known, agriculture today needs a lot of
            as the production of crops and animals for man’s use.   capital. Farm tools and machinery which are needed
                                                              for large-scale production are not within the reach of
            Practical Agriculture                             the People because of their high cost. For the people
                                                              to  be  properly  involved  in  practical  agriculture,
            Practical agriculture is the fundamental principle of   appropriate training facilities and conducive learning
            returning  man  to  the  farm.  According  to  Tokuyo   environment must, as a matter of necessity, be made
            University  of  Agriculture  Journal  (2001),  practical   available. Efforts should also be made by every tier of
            agriculture  remains  a  vital  component  and    government  to  design,  plan  and  implement
            constituent of vocational study in agriculture.   programmes that will encourage and stimulate the
                                                              people  to  stay  in  their  various  localities  instead  of
            Attitude of People Towards Practical Agriculture
                                                              moving  to  urban  areas  where  land  is  not  often
            The  youths  in  the  various  higher  institutions  today   available for large-scale agricultural production.
            have negative attitude towards practical agriculture-   Conclusion
            the reason being that most of them are from rural
            farming  families  having  detailed  knowledge  of   Promoting  the  attitudes  of  the  people  towards
            traditional  agriculture  gained  from  their  parents.   practical  agriculture  will  not  only  make  them
            Most of them have this view that their parents are   contribute  their  own  quota  to  the  national
            only practising skills inherited from their forefathers.   development but also make them to be self-reliant;
            Oguntowo (1992), as cited by Muibi (2005), notes that,   thereby improving their own means of livelihood.
            agricultural science students have strong belief that
            the agriculture presented by the teacher appears not
            to  be  significantly  different  from  the  one  being
            practised by their parents. Adewoye (1993), as cited by   Works Cited
            Muibi  (2005),  observes  with  great  concern  that
            agriculture  has  remained  unattractive  to  young   Adewoye, B. A. (2005). The role of agricultural technology institutions in the
                                                               sustainable youth
            people  in  Nigeria  because  it  is  still  being  practised   empowerment  in  Nigeria.  Journal  of  Nigeria  Association  of  Teachers  of
            under the primitive method which is very labourious   Technology.
                                                               18(1), 101-103.
            and untidy.                                        Iwena,  O.  A.  (2002).  Essential  agricultural  science  for  senior  secondary
            The  Need  for  People's  Involvement  in  Practical   Publishers Limited.
                                                               Muibi,  I.  A.  (2005).  Empowering  youths  in  tertiary  institutions  in  Nigeria
            Agriculture                                        through practical
                                                               agriculture. Journal of Nigeria Association of Teachers of Technology. 18 (1),
            ‘Practical’, which is the art of learning by doing makes   348-349.
                                                               Tokyo University (2001). Definition of Practical Agriculture, Tokys University of
            learning more permanent. The need to imbibe the    Agriculture
            value of dignity of labour by the Nigerian youth must   Journal (50-54).
            not be handled with levity in order to prepare him/her
            for an all-round development so as to be able to face
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