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constructive criticism and empathy. A culture    EFFECTS  OF  OVER-EXPOSURE:  Excessive
             of forgiveness and second chances can allow      online  criticism  can  have  serious  effects,
             individuals  to  learn  from  their  mistakes    making people feel anxious and sad. It creates
             without  harsh  judgement.  Fostering  a         a  mean  online  world,  causing  individuals  to
             supportive environment is key to navigating      become afraid and fake to avoid being picked
             the complexities of sharing and learning from    on. This not only impacts individuals but also
             mistakes.                                        affects trust levels and contributes to a culture
                                                              that discourages openness and authenticity.
             culture  has  led  to  excessive  exposure  for   STRICKING  A  BALANCE:  Balancing  the
             individuals  who  make  minor  mistakes  in      sharing  of  mistakes  online  is  crucial.  At  the
             today's  society.  Even  small  missteps  can    same time as sharing errors is important for
             quickly go viral on social media, resulting in   learning, revealing every small flaw can create
             severe backlash. It is important to approach     a harmful and unforgiving online culture. To
             these  situations  with  empathy  and            maintain a healthy online environment, there
             understanding, recognising that everyone is      should be a focus on empathy, understanding,
             human and bound to make mistakes. What is        and  celebrating  positive  actions  and
             Cancel Culture: It emphasizes the importance     achievements.
             of responding with empathy, recognising the
             human tendency to make errors.                   THE WAY FORWARD: To address this issue,
                                                              individuals  should  be  mindful  of  how  their
                                                              actions  affect  others'  mental  well-being.
                                                              Instead of perpetuating a culture of excessive
                                                              c r i t i c i s m ,   p r o m o t i n g   e m p a t h y   a n d
                                                              understanding  is  crucial.  Social  media
                                                              platforms  can  play  a  role  by  implementing
                                                              stronger moderation policies and supporting
                                                              educational initiatives to guide users toward
                                                              responsible engagement. A collective effort is
                                                              needed to cultivate a healthier digital space
                                                              where  everyone  experiences  respect  and

                                                              Public shamings alarming trend has led to a
                                                              culture of fear, anxiety and self-righteousness,
                                                              negatively  impacting  mental  health  and
                                                              hindering  personal  growth.  Acknowledging
                                                              this  harm  is  the  first  step  toward  fostering
                                                              understanding,  support  and  growth.
                                                              Balancing  responsible  mistake-sharing  and
             Over-Exposure  to  Personal  Information         maintaining a positive online atmosphere is
             Concerns  arise  about  over  sharing  personal   crucial.  The  way  forward  involves  individual
             details on social networks, leading to cognitive   mindfulness,  platform  intervention  with
             overload  and  potential  impacts  on  mental    stronger  moderation  policies  and  collective
             health. It is not just about the quantity of posts   efforts  to  nurture  a  healthier  digital  space
             but also dealing with intricate personal details   where  everyone  feels  respected  and
             of others. This issue is linked to the trend of   understood.  Dear  Nigerians,  the  manner  in
             extensive  self-disclosure  on  social  media,   which we treat people on the internet space
             posing  risks  to  mental  well-being  through   matters a lot. Be cautious of what you say or
             heightened  social  comparisons.  Further        spread about others for next time might be
             investigation  is  needed  to  understand  the   your turn.
             relationship  between  sharing  and  its
             influence on mental well-being.
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