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P. 50
Giving teachers adequate incentives, good pay, God wherever he/she comes from. If we do not
up - to - date and on- the -job training, remove self-interest, we will not achieve any
continuous supervision and demand for higher meaningful growth and development. We
degrees as condition for need to lookout for people who are
admission into the teaching qualified, and have the right
profession will change the dispositions for certain duties,
c o n d u c t o f p u b l i c because in the end, the good
examinations. services of such people will benefit
all in the society. If wrong people
Gadfly: The demeaning are placed in positions based on
saying that the best way sentiments instead of on merit, it
to conceal a thing from an will stagnate the development of
African is to put it in a our country.
book is sadly becoming a
truth in Nigeria. Many Gad fly: It is true, that the
Nigerians shy away from dependence of the Nigerian
developing themselves economy on oil is gradually
through both theoretical becoming a fading dream hence
and practical knowledge there is a need to give more
acquisition, and this has attention to our initial source of
impeded the growth of income, which is Agriculture. The
the country as a whole. issue now is that agricultural
Honourable, do you think activities are dwindling gradually
this is true? If yes, what in Nigeria as many only study it
can you suggest to curb t h e o r e t i c a l l y w i t h l i t t l e
this predicament? HON. DR. knowledge of practising it. In this
AUGUSTINA YAHAYA case, how do you think a more
Commissioner: I think it is critical study of agriculture can
true that many Nigerians be rekindled in our schools and agricultural
have very poor reading culture, this has activities reawakened.
reduced the power of many people.
Knowledge, both theoretical and practical, is Commissioner: I think re-awakening
power. What I would like to suggest is that let agricultural activities in our schools will first of
every person start by identifying his/her area of all come from the teacher training curriculum.
interest. Some people are very interested and If student teachers of Agriculture themselves
passionate about certain topics and areas like are well groomed in both the theoretical and
Psychology, Anthropology etc, whatever area practical aspects of this subject, they will
you like, get books and materials in that area for replicate it with their students. School
a start. It makes reading easier and possible. I managements can create activities to mark
am deeply in love with spiritual things so Agricultural Day in the school where the best
reading and listening to spiritual matters students who excel in the theory and practical
makes me bubble with life but also considering application will be recognized and given prizes.
I have my work, I need to discipline myself to do Government needs to increase effort in making
some academic reading from time to time. The Agriculture lucrative and attractive; this will aid
spiritual knowledge and power I gather make teachers in reviving Agriculture in schools and
my work enjoyable and meaningful. No provide opportunities for teachers to receive
knowledge is a waste. training in modern agricultural practices. The
old practices of each student having his/her
Gadfly: The trend of placing family first has vegetable bed in school has tobe revived.
become a major cause of unpatriotism in
Nigeria as many give positions and favours to Gadfly: Thank you so much Honourable for
persons not based on merit but sentiments. sharing from your wealth of experience with
This has led to setbacks in many sensitive us. We are really very grateful and honoured
sectors of the country. As a patriotic to have had this wonderful session with you,
Nigerian, what is your advice to Nigerians on and we pray for God’s guidance and favours
this? upon you through Christ our lord. Amen.
Commissioner: My advice to fellow Nigerians
on the issue of giving positions or favours is to
realize that every human being is a property of