Page 41 - Desert Oracle May 2022
P. 41

achieving prosperity, dignity, and equality. All Equity
            •  Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx.             Action Plans can be found on the White House’s
            •  Squamous cell carcinoma of the trachea.            website.
            •  Adenocarcinoma of the trachea.
            •  Salivary gland-type tumors of the trachea.         The VA laid out their plan to address inequities that
                                                                  underserved veteran populations face. Underserved
            •  Adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung.               populations include veterans of color, women
            •  Large cell carcinoma of the lung.                  veterans, LGBTQI+ veterans, veterans with
            •  Salivary gland-type tumors of the lung.            disabilities, rural veterans, and others who face
            •  Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung.                 persistent inequities.
            •  Typical and atypical carcinoid of the lung.
                                                                  The VA plans to use data to monitor whether health
        A press release announcing the recent action says         care and disability benefit outcomes are equitable
        a focused review of scientific and medical evidence       for underserved populations; improve access and
        showed there was biological plausibility between          outcomes across key programs and services by
        airborne hazards and carcinogenesis of the                completing three equity assessments; increase
        respiratory tract and that the unique circumstances       contracting opportunities for women-owned small
        of these rare cancers warranted the presumption of        businesses and small disadvantaged businesses;
        service connection. VA will begin processing              and support the inclusion of equity in quality
        disability compensation claims for veterans who           improvement and performance monitoring.
        served any amount of time in the Southwest Asia           Furthermore, the VA will build and maintain trust
        theater of operations from August 2, 1990, to the         with underserved veterans by conducting human-
        present, or Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, or            centered design research.
        Djibouti beginning September 19, 2001, to the
        present. Veterans who have or had one of the listed       In addressing inequities impacting individuals with
        cancers during or after military service may be           disabilities, the Department of Health and Human
        eligible for disability compensation benefits. VA         Services plans to invest in resources and engage in
        intends to contact impacted veterans and survivors        efforts to enforce nondiscrimination practices in
        to inform them about their eligibility and will provide   health care.
        information on how to apply.
                                                                  The Department of Homeland Security is reviewing
         WHITE HOUSE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES RELEASE                 airport screenings to ensure equitable service and
                      EQUITY ACTION PLANS                         expand access to TSA PreCheck for individuals
                                                                  with disabilities.
        On April 14, the White House launched a new
        website with their plan to advance equity. The            The Department of Transportation is engaging with
        agenda includes simplifying applications for              communities in decision-making to proactively
        government services, such as reducing the                 review potential discrimination in proposed projects.
        complexity of applications and forms; engaging with
        stakeholders and communities who have been                The Department of Interior is expanding access to
        historically excluded from policy-making processes,       the National Park System by improving
        by making forums easier to attend; narrowing              transportation within and access to parks and public
        wealth gaps, by expanding job and grantmaking             lands for individuals with disabilities.
        opportunities for people with disabilities; and
        collecting and reporting disability data.                 The Department of State appointed a Special
                                                                  Advisor on International Disability Rights and is
        In addition, more than 90 federal agencies released       coordinating a global campaign to celebrate the
        the first-ever Equity Action Plans to address barriers    Americans with Disabilities Act.
        in policies and programs that prevent underserved
        communities, like people with disabilities, from          The Department of Labor’s Office of Disability
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