Page 42 - Desert Oracle May 2022
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Employment Policy launched online dialogues on Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard
the effectiveness of employment programs and Examines Housing Accessibility in America
services for people within the disability community.
The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard
University has issued a report examining 2019
NEWS OF NOTE American Housing Survey data to present a picture
of national housing trends and how well they
CMS Offers Medicare Part A and Part B address the needs of people with disabilities.
Enrollment Grace Period Findings included data showing that about five
percent of households reported that they
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services experienced difficulty navigating or using their
(CMS) is providing equitable relief to individuals homes, amounting to a total of 6.8 million
who could not submit premium-Part A or Part B households. Across all age groups, 13 percent of
enrollment or disenrollment requests timely due to households (1.6 million) had at least one resident
challenges contacting CMS by phone. This relief who used a crutch, manual wheelchair, or power
applies to the 2022 General Enrollment Period, wheelchair due to a long-term condition, and these
Initial Enrollment Period, and Special Enrollment households were more likely to experience poor
Period. If individuals were unable to enroll or housing fit. The authors note that the research
disenroll in Medicare because they could not reach “highlights the need for universal design, flexible
CMS by phone after January 1, 2022, they will be design, and home modifications to improve housing
granted additional time, through December 30, fit, but it also raises questions that will be relevant to
2022. For more information, call 1-800-772-1213 or housing policy design.” The full report can be found
use their Office Locator to find the number for a here.
local office.
Free Upgrade to My HealtheVet Premium
CBPP Annual Report on Social Security and
Poverty A My HealtheVet Premium account allows you to
access more of your health records; send secure
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) messages to your VA Care Team; manage your VA
has updated its annual report on Social Security appointments; view your military service
and poverty. The report offers an array of statistics information; and protect your account with more
showing how much Social Security benefits security. Click here to learn more.
contribute to reducing poverty in every state and
lifting more Americans above the poverty line than Military Space-A Travel Resumes After Two-
any other program in the U.S. Without Social Year Pandemic Pause
Security, 22.5 million more adults and children
would be poor, according to analysis using the On April 22, Air Force officials announced that
March 2021 Current Population Survey. Although Space A Travel for eligible individuals has resumed.
most of those whom Social Security keeps out of On March 21, 2020, the Department of Defense
poverty are aged 65 or older, 6.4 million are under (DOD) suspended most Space-A travel aboard Air
age 65, including almost 1 million children. Mobility Command and contracted aircraft in order
Depending on their design, reductions in Social to limit COVID-19’s spread and impact on the force.
Security benefits could significantly increase The reopening permits Space-A travel for uniformed
poverty, particularly among older adults. The full service members, retirees, dependents, and
report can be found here. reservists to travel within the continental United
States and outside the continental United States, if
space allows. Officials caution that travel limitations
may be reinstated to help stop the spread of any
future outbreaks of COVID-19. Also, all individuals,
regardless of vaccination status, are still required to