Page 16 - Desert Oracle May 2020
P. 16


                                                                                  southern arizona adaptive sports

                                                                  coronavirus aid, relief and economic security alert

        DELIVERY SERVICE                PEER MENTOR                     FITNESS                      REPAIR

                                      The best source of knowl-    Spice up your work-          Flat tire? Mobile wheel-
            Home delivery             edge is experience. SAAS     out with our virtual         chair repair on a pay-what
                                      offers online and tele-
          of  food, household              phonic peer                  clinics with            you can basis. Pick up &
             and medical              mentor support for peo-        trainers who have          redistribution of your do-
                                                                                                 nated used wheelchairs,
         supplies when regu-          ple living with disabilities      experience              adaptive sports equip-
         lar transportation is        as well as those who care    with adaptive exercise       ment, durable medical
           limited or absent.         for them, to come togeth-    and see what you can         equipment & medical
                                      er for hope, support, and a
                                           way forward.               do from home!                    supplies.

       ABOUT SAAS CARES                                          HOW TO GET HELP

       People with disabilities who are in higher-risk categories are especially   Resident of  Pima or Santa Cruz Counties
       vulnerable to disruptions in all aspects of daily life, especially during
       the COVID-19 pandemic. SAAS CARES addresses the needs of our    Identify as a person with a disability or caregiver
       community by supporting the health and well-being of individuals
       with disabilities. As a non-profit organization that creates adaptive   Call, text or email for more information
       sports opportunities for individuals with disabilities, SAAS CARES
       continues the positive impact of adaptive sports in our community and
       is here to help. Donations are gratefully accepted.                                +15203700588
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