Page 18 - Desert Oracle May 2020
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Study ID: HUM00125787 IRB: IRBMED Date Approved: 4/9/2020 Expiration Date: 10/23/2020
In order to participate, you must:
Be at least 18 years old
Have had a SCI which resulted in disability at
least 6 months ago
The Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Receive caregiving services for at least 16
at Michigan Medicine is conducting a study to develop hours per week.
a new measure of the relationships that people with Be willing to participate in an interview that
SCI have with their caregivers. Participating will will take approximately 1 hour
Be able to speak and understand English
involve completing an interview that will take about If you are eligible and participate, you will be
one hour. Some participants will be asked to complete compensated $35 for completing 1 interview and
a follow-up, shorter interview shortly afterwards. another $15 if you complete the follow-up
The Craig H. Neilsen
Foundation is dedicated to
research and programs to For more information, call our research office
improve the quality of life at: (734) 763-0623 or send an email to:
for people living with spinal
cord injury. Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine (734) 763-0623 Caregiving Study Quality of Michigan Medicine
Quality of
Quality of
(734) 763-0623
(734) 763-0623
(734) 763-0623
Caregiving Study
Caregiving Study
Caregiving Study
Michigan Medicine
Michigan Medicine