Page 4 - Desert Oracle April 2021
P. 4

President’s Report

               Happy April 2021 to all my Arizona Paralyzed Veterans of America Brothers and Sisters.
               As we all see the weather is starting to warm up. This is the time I start encouraging everyone to
               stay cool and hydrated.
               It is with a sad heart that I inform you about the passing of Joey Hamilton. Joey was a long time
               member of Paralyzed Veterans of America. He became a board member in 2016. In 2018 he
               became a National Director for the National office of Paralyzed Veterans of America. As a board
               member of PVA Arizona Chapter, Joey went to the 2018 Legislative Seminar in Washington
               DC. Joey Hamilton played intricate roles in both National PVA and the Arizona Chapter of
               PVA. Joey was one of us (PVA). He will be severally missed but, he will not be forgotten.

               I participated in the 2021 Legislative Seminar via zoom. This was an interesting experience. I am
               use to flying to Washington DC and participating in person. National did a great job with
               logistics, moving the seminar forward via zoom. The Seminar took place over four days. The
               first two bays consisted of various PVA National department directors presenting on topics to
               talk about with our state representatives. These topics were:

               • Access to VA’s Specialized Services and Long-Term Care
               • Care Grants for Housing Adaptations
               • Access to Transportation for the Most Severely Disabled Veterans

               • Proper Implementation of VA’s Comprehensive Caregiver Program Expansion
               • Access to Fertility Services Through VA
               • Improvements to the Air Carrier Access Act
               • Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
               The last two days of the seminar individuals from chapters spoke with legislatures from their
               perspective states via zoom. Overall it was a good Legislative Seminar.

               Arizona PVA Chapter is moving forward and making progress in its recently purchased property.
               We have new AC units on our apartments and working on bathroom areas. It is going to take a
               little time to get the property fixed up but I have confidence in Peter Quinn the Chapter’s
               executive director and his staff Matthew, Scott, and Dawn.

               A friendly reminder to the board of directors regarding the Arizona PVA Chapter elections
               coming up in June. Chapter board members can run for 1 of 4 positions. President, Vice
               President, Secretary and Treasurer. Along with these positions ideally the Chapter would like to
               have at least 8 Board of Directors.

               For the board of directors our next meeting will be held on April29, 2021 at 10 AM. via zoom. If
               you are not a board member but you are a member of the Chapter and you would like to attend a
               meeting and possibly become a board member. Please, call Leonard Smith Chapter President at
               480-739-7068 or, the office at 602 244 9168 and we will make sure you get a zoom link.

               Leonard Smith Sr.
               Chapter President
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