Page 13 - Desert Oracle October 2021
P. 13

Stakeholder Update
                                                       October 2021

        COVID-19 Vaccine Plan (as of September 27, 2021):
            •  The COVID-19 vaccine is available to all Veterans. Patients in the Prescott area, please call
               928-717-7406 to schedule your appointment for the Moderna vaccine. For Veterans wishing to
               receive the vaccine at a NAVAHCS’ CBOC, call the CBOC for a date and time for the Moderna
               vaccine. Veterans can also go to MyHealtheVet to OPT-IN to be placed on the call list for
            •  Johnson and Johnson vaccine expired at the end of the month and is no longer available at
               NAVAHCS after September 17, 2021. NAVAHCS may potentially order more at a future date.
            •  Walk-ins are welcome at all NAVAHCS vaccination sites, including those under the SAVE
               Lives Act (non-enrolled Veterans, spouses and caregivers). Please call to check dates and
               times that the vaccine clinic is open.
            •  The 3  dose of the Moderna vaccine is currently being offered to Veterans who are considered
               moderately and severely immunocompromised.
            •  As of September 27, 2021, NAVAHCS has given a total of 20,889 doses of the Moderna and
               a total of 728 single dose Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines.

        COVID-19 Update (as of September 27, 2021):
            •  Due to the increase of positive COVID-19 patients in the area, following National VA
               guidelines, we have moved to the following precautions:
                   o  We are only authorizing one caregiver to accompany a Veteran on their appointment.
                   o  Nobody under the age of 18 is authorized entry to the facility.
                   o  No visitors authorized at this time unless the patient is imminent.
                   o  The Community Living Center (CLC) is closed for all admissions.

        VA Video Connect (VVC) Data (as of September 27, 2021):
            •  For FY21, NAVAHCS has provided 22,569 VVC appointments for Veterans. Veterans are
               continuing to utilize VVC services in-lieu of face-to-face appointments and are anticipating
               further expansion of services.

        Veteran VA Medical Care Debts
            •  The VA has cancelled and refunded first party copayments and cost shares for all medical
               appointments and medication fills for dates of service between April 6, 2020 – September 30,
               2021. The final phase of ARP refunds is now complete. Qualified Veterans who received a
               refund letter but did not receive a refund should inquire with the Local Facility Revenue office.
            •  Billing and collection activities will resume on October 1 , 2021.
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