Page 19 - Desert Oracle February 2022
P. 19

o  All visitors MUST wear a mask at all times
                       o  All visitors MUST be 18 years or older
        COVID-19 Vaccine Plan (as of February 5 ):

            •  The COVID-19 vaccine is available to all Veterans. Patients in the Prescott area, please call
               928-717-7406 to schedule your appointment for the Moderna or Johnson and Johnson
               (Janssen) vaccine. For Veterans wishing to receive the vaccine at a NAVAHCS’ CBOC, call
               the CBOC for a date and time for the vaccine.
            •  Walk-ins are welcome at all NAVAHCS vaccination sites, including those under the SAVE
               Lives Act (non-enrolled Veterans, spouses and caregivers). Please call to check dates and
               times that the vaccine clinic is open.
            •  The 3  dose of the Moderna vaccine is currently being offered to Veterans who are considered
               moderately and severely immunocompromised.
            •  Booster shots are now offered at all vaccine sites. Veterans can receive their booster and flu
               vaccine on the same visit. If a Veteran received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, they could
               choose to receive the Moderna booster shot as well.
            •  As of February 5 , NAVAHCS administered a total of 26,780 doses of the Moderna and
               Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

        VA Video Connect (VVC) Data (as of February 5 ):

            •  This FY (October 2021 – now) we have provided 7,328 VVC appointments for Veterans and
               we will continue to utilize VVC services in-lieu of face-to-face appointments.

        NAVAHCS Average Wait Time:

         Established        Feb-  Mar- Apr-    May- Jun-     Jul-  Aug-   Sep-   Oct-   Nov-   Dec-   Jan
         Patient Wait Time  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21      FY21  FY22    FY22  FY22    FY22
         Mental Health       6.4    6.5   3.8    3.3    3.5   3.6    3.2    3.0    3.7     3.6    3.9    5.0
         Primary Care        2.5    2.9   4.0    6.5    6.2   4.9    5.8    4.8    4.3     6.3    5.7    5.8
         Specialty Care      11.2  10.1   16.5   12.9   6.4   5.9    4.6    5.9    5.9     5.3    5.8    5.0

         New Patient Wait   Feb-    Mar- Apr-    May- Jun-    Jul-   Aug-  Sep-   Oct-  Nov- Dec-    Jan
         Time               FY21    FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY22  FY22  FY22  FY22
         Mental Health      10.6      9.6  16.5   11.4   7.1  10.2    8.5  12.8  10.4     9.0   9.4    6.9
         Primary Care       10.1     13.8  20.8   23.5  25.4  24.2  21.2  25.3  25.4  22.8  29.1  22.4
         Specialty Care     15.4     21.5  25.4   20.4  19.2  18.2  17.0  15.0  15.4  14.4  11.9  12.8

        DAV Services:

            •  The DAV services in northern Arizona remain unavailable until DAV reopens their operations.
               The DAV is recruiting for the position of Hospital Service Coordinator/Transportation
               Coordinator. The DAV’s goal is to have the person onboard and fully trained by March 15 .
               Any questions, please contact the DAV Service Commission Chairman, Bruce Nogar at 602-

        NAVAHCS Events & Activities:
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24