Page 4 - Desert Oracle February 2022
P. 4
January 25, 2022
National Directors Report
I hope everyone had great holidays! I hope everyone is staying healthy
and well. Both my wife and daughter have gotten the covid virus. My
daughter has since been cleared of it, but my wife still tests positive. I’ve
been lucky and have stayed healthy. I’ve again been doing a lot of
information gathering from National information. I was scheduled for
carpal tunnel surgery in the San Diego VA on January 12 , but that was
cancelled due to covid affecting staff and patients there. I attended a
virtual meeting with the Field Advisory Committee with the Augusta SCI
center on January 12 & 13 . I had a meeting on January 20 & 21 with
PVA’s BOD’s for the 3 Virtual meeting. I’m on a new Ad Hoc committee
on the Election of Officers. We are going over a new proposed resolution
21-0-3. We will be coming up with the process of the elections. We had
our first meeting on January 24 .
PVA Executive Committee Update:
The PVA EC had a meeting on December 15, 2021. Some of the issues they
were covered:
• Peer Mentoring – They are still trying to decide who is responsible for
the program. The chapters or national. Who will provide the training.
My choice on this is that national should be in charge of it and chapters
that don’t have an actual SCI center in their area should not be
mentors. We would have to travel to San Diego to speak to newly
injured veterans.
• Chapter Sports Insurance Program – The issue on this is that many
chapters do not put in for this insurance. A lot of the chapters that do
put in for it put in too late. National is thinking on dropping this program.