Page 20 - Desert Oracle September 2021
P. 20

Stakeholder Update
                                                       August 2021

        Updated Positions:
            •  Steve Sample is the Interim Medical Center Director effective August 2, 2021. Ms. Gurga has
               been temporary detailed to the New Mexico VA Medical Center.
            •   Dr. Megan Babcock has been appointed as the Chief of Staff effective July 19, 2021.
            •   Gina Monroe is the Acting Chief of Nutrition & Food Service effective July 12, 2021.
            •   Steve Woods is the Acting Associate Director effective August 2, 2021.

        COVID-19 Vaccine Plan (as of June 30, 2021):
            •  The COVID-19 vaccine is available to all Veterans. For the Prescott vaccine clinic, please
               schedule by calling 928-717-7406 for an appointment and to confirm days available to receive
               either the Moderna vaccine or for the single dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. For Veterans
               wishing to receive the vaccine at a NAVAHCS’ CBOC, call the CBOC for a date and time for
               both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Veterans can also go to MyHealtheVet to
               OPT-IN to be placed on the call list for scheduling.
            •  Walk-ins are welcome at all NAVAHCS vaccination sites, including those under the SAVE
               Lives Act (non-enrolled Veterans, spouses and caregivers).
            •  As of August 4, 2021, NAVAHCS has given a total of 21,040 doses of the Moderna and a total
               of 570 single dose Janssen COVID vaccines.

         NAVAHCS Average Wait Time:
         Established        Sep-     Oct-    Nov-   Dec-   Jan-   Feb-   Mar- Apr-    May- Jun-     Jul-  Aug-
         Patient Wait Time  FY20     FY21    FY21   FY21   FY21   FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21
         Mental Health          4.6     4.5    4.4    5.8    6.4    6.4   6.5    3.8    3.3    3.5   3.6    5.2
         Primary Care           5.3     6.7    5.3    4.4    3.6    2.5   2.9    4.0    6.5    6.2   4.9    4.5
         Specialty Care        14.6    14.4   11.6   10.1   10.1  11.2  10.1    16.5   12.9    6.4   5.9    6.3

         New Patient Wait   Sep-   Oct-   Nov- Dec-    Jan-   Feb-    Mar- Apr-    May- Jun-    Jul-  Aug-
         Time               FY20  FY21    FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21      FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21  FY21
         Mental Health        8.4   10.7  14.4   11.7    7.7  10.6     9.6  16.5   11.4    7.1  10.2    3.3
         Primary Care        16.1   17.6  18.6   15.6  11.8  10.1     13.8  20.8   23.5  25.4  24.2  17.7
         Specialty Care      30.1   26.0  23.2   21.4  15.8  15.4     21.5  25.4   20.4  19.2  18.2  14.4
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25