Page 29 - Desert Oracle June 2022
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The legislation would update the asset limits, which Rehabilitation Center and Clinics in White City,
would enable beneficiaries to have more savings in Oregon.
case of an emergency without affecting their
benefits. Under current law, individuals receiving Older Americans Month
SSI are limited to $2,000 in assets. For married
couples, the limit is $3,000. S. 4102 would raise May is Older Americans Month and is being
those caps to $10,000 and $20,000, respectively. recognized by the Department of Health and
This would also remove the SSI marriage penalty Human Services’ Administration for Community
since the current asset limit is not double that for a Living under the theme "Age My Way.” To help
single person. In addition, the bill would adjust celebrate this annual event, please visit the OAM
these thresholds annually for inflation based on website for materials, resources, and activity ideas.
Consumer Price Index data, much like Social
Security benefits. Military Caregiver Month
Senator Brown put forth a more expansive SSI Military Caregiver Month is observed in May to
proposal earlier in the 117th Congress, the SSI honor more than five million caregivers in the U.S.
Restoration Act. That measure would have lifted the Resources for this occasion can be found at the
program's income restrictions and brought monthly Elizabeth Dole Foundation's,
benefits to 100 percent of the federal poverty level where readers can learn more about their Respite
and indexed them to inflation. Under current law, Relief Fund.
beneficiaries can have up to $20 in unearned
income per month, while their first $65 in earnings is The COVID-19 Pandemic and Caregiver
exempt from the program's rules. Beyond that Discrimination Under Federal Employment Laws
threshold, SSI benefits are reduced by 50 cents for
every dollar of income. Those thresholds have not The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
been changed since 1972. Commission (EEOC) has issued supplementary
policy guidance on unlawful discrimination against
The Ohio Senators hope that their more modest persons with caregiving responsibilities during
proposal might be included in a retirement measure COVID-19. In addition to updating earlier EEOC
known as Secure 2.0. policy guidance, there is a fact sheet as well as a
best practices document for employers, all of which
discuss caregiver discrimination in a broad range of
NEWS OF NOTE circumstances beyond the pandemic.
VA Launches New EHR System to Columbus,
Ohio, Medical Facilities WEBINARS AND HEARINGS
On April 30, the VA launched its new electronic The ADA in Small Cities and Towns
health record (EHR) at the VA Central Ohio
Healthcare System in Columbus, Ohio. The VA The Great Lakes ADA Regional Center and the
reported this is the third rollout of its EHR ADA Network Knowledge Translation Center will
modernization efforts. host a webinar, The Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) in Small Cities and Towns, on May 17 from
The launch at the VA Central Ohio Healthcare 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.
System includes its VA clinics in Grove City,
Marion, Newark, and Zanesville, Ohio. The next two Presenters will discuss how people with disabilities
EHR system deployments are scheduled for June must have an equal opportunity to participate in and
11 at the Roseburg VA Health Care System in benefit from a town's services, programs, and
Roseburg, Oregon, and VA Southern Oregon activities. Presenters will also discuss the ADA
requirements for town facilities, communications