Page 33 - Desert Oracle June 2022
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leadership has pledged to take up the amended bill        people, and assist justice-involved individuals to re-enter
        quickly, and deliver it to the President for signature.      the job market.

                                                                  The bill contains a number of provisions strengthening
             HOUSE DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SUBCOMMITTEE           the focus of workforce programs on those with barriers
           EXAMINES FINANCIAL INEQUITIES FACING PEOPLE WITH       to employment and specifically includes people with
                             DISABILITIES                         disabilities among those targeted, adds assistive
                                                                  technology as an allowable use of funds to
        On May 24, the Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee of    accommodate those with disabilities for delivery of
        the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing     services; increases authorization of appropriations
        titled, "Diversity Includes Disability: Exploring Inequities   under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 for supported
        in Financial Services for Persons with Disabilities,      employment services for individuals with the most
        Including Those Newly Disabled Due to Long-Term           significant disabilities as well as the Architectural and
        COVID." Witnesses included Alison Cannington, Senior      Transportation Barriers Compliance Board; and includes
        Manager, Advocacy and Organizing, The Kelsey; Cynthia     under the definition of dislocated workers eligible for
        DiBartolo, Founder and CEO, Tigress Financial Partners;   services the caregivers or survivors of veterans with
        Thomas Foley, Executive Director, National Disability     service-connected disabilities. The measure also
        Institute; Vilissa Thompson, LMSW Fellow, The Century     promises increased funding to local workforce areas to
        Foundation & Co-director, Disability Economic Justice     provide “customer support to enable those with barriers
        Collaborative; and Caroline Sullivan, Executive Director,   to employment (including individuals with disabilities)
        North Carolina Business Committee for Education, Office   and veterans, to navigate among multiple services and
        of the Governor. The hearing explored many of the         activities for such populations.” The bill is pending in the
        housing and employment barriers that impede               Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions
        economic security for people with disabilities and        Committee. A link to the House report that accompanied
        highlighted particular challenges faced by those affected   the legislation can be found here.
        by long-COVID-19’s impacts. The webcast and testimony
        can be found here.
                                                                                     NEWS OF NOTE

                HOUSE PASSES WORKFORCE LEGISLATION                Assistant Secretary for VETS Confirmed

        On May 17, the House passed H.R. 7309, the Workforce      On May 4, James D. Rodriguez was confirmed by the
        Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2022,            Senate as the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL)
        reauthorizing the nation’s primary workforce              Assistant Secretary for Veterans’ Employment and
        development system that supports America’s Job            Training Service (VETS). VETS oversees DOL programs
        Centers, adult and dislocated worker training programs,   that strive to prepare America's veterans, service
        Job Corps, disadvantaged youth programs, and              members and their spouses for meaningful careers. In
        numerous other targeted employment programs.              Fiscal Year 2021, over 2,800 DOL VETS staff, contractors,
        According to the Chairman of the Education and Labor      and grantees served more than 331,000 veterans and
        Committee, Representative Robert Scott (D-VA) the         military spouses across all DOL programs.
        legislation would authorize approximately $80 billion for
        WIOA programs over six years, “more than double the       State Employment Policies for Veterans with
        number of people receiving training services in Fiscal    Disabilities
        Year 2023, and allow us to train one million workers per
        year by 2028.” In a floor statement prior to passage,     The National Conference of State Legislatures, in
        Chairman Scott emphasized that H.R. 7309 would            collaboration with the State Exchange on Employment &
        modernize WIOA, expand work opportunities for young       Disability, published a report on “State Employment
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