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AUGUST 2020 27 DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE
ladies golf association news a note from the head pro
From Your LGA President A Note from the Head Pro
Don Oliver, PGA
Hey Ladies, Head Club Professional
I am writing this newsletter the day after the 4th of July celebrations. We had some Many members may be shocked to see a small note from the Head Pro, but it is
wonderful events here in DCBE, even with the COVID restrictions. Happy Birthday time to update you on an item of concern.
America! The LGA was able to have their Ringer Tournament at the end of May.
Thanks goes to Jackie Wayson and Diane Dryoel for putting together the 18 hole Since Covid-19 has struck Hood County; the “anger bubble” is getting closer to
Ringer. And, thanks goes to Kerry Carlton and Pam Schueler for running the 9 bursting. We have had record numbers coming out to play on the 18-hole course.
hole Ringer. With record numbers of play, come record numbers of those getting “kicked” out
of ForeTees and not receiving a tee time. On average 15 to 25 tee time requests
We were able to have our first guest day on June 18th and thanks to Amy are unassigned. Several members are still attempting to beat the “system”, and
Carpenter for heading this event up and making it a huge success! I am happy to some do. You either know who you are, or you know who these members are. (I
say that our LGA Classic, Partners in Crime, is now in the books! We had a will save this for a later date).
wonderful turn out, 52 teams (104 women). Jackie Gattis and her Classic
committee did an awesome job of putting together and running this tournament! I know too well that the story becomes old; too many golfers and not enough early
Thanks to Shaun and his crew, our course was in beautiful shape. Also, a big tee times to beat the heat. It is a maddening scene; since we strive for a high standard
thanks goes to our pro shop staff who worked so hard to make this tournament a of customer service, yet I see and hear the disappointment in our members.
success. And, thanks to Jessica and her food staff who provided excellent food We are constantly evaluating and trying to tweak the ForeTees System as well as
and service! our golfing procedures. I must believe there is a good remedy; we just need to
dig deeper. Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcomed and discussed
Once again, old "Rona" has reared her ugly head! So, the MGA/LGA Benefit within our management.
Tournament scheduled for July 8th -9th was postponed. Hopefully we can reschedule
later in the year. The rest of July and August seem pretty quiet, with the exception Thank you all for the opportunity of a lifetime to serve you at DeCordova; I love
of an LGA Guest Day scheduled for August 13th. this membership dearly. Hopefully, we will stop the “bubble” from bursting.
Stay well, stay cool!
Sonja Dildy
LGA President
"The only sure rule in golf is,
he who has the fastest cart,
never has to play the bad lies."
~ Mickey Mantle
Save the Date
8:30 AM Shotgun
August 6th ....................LGA play at Durant – Quota
August 13th ..................LGA 18 Hole Guest Day
August 20th ..................Three Blind Mice
August 27th ..................MINI Tournament / Circle Nine
(Best 9 Gross/Best 9 Net)