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AUGUST 2020 35 DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE
just for facts
Summer Fun Facts Julius Caesar.
w July is national blueberry month.
w The first modern Olympic Games were held in the summer in 1896 in Athens, w The longest day of the year is on the summer solstice.
Greece. w Mosquitos are most prevalent during summer months. Mosquitos have been
w The first day of summer is between June 20th and June 22nd every year. The on earth for more than 30 million years.
first day of summer is called the summer solstice, and the day varies due to the w Most theme and water parks are on a summer seasonal schedule. Most
Earth’s rotation not exactly reflecting our calendar year. amusement parks have a full time season from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
w The last day of summer is September 20th. w August was named after Julius Caesar’s nephew. He had received the title of
w Watermelon is summer’s most popular vegetable. It is part of the cucumber, “Augustus” which means “reverend”.
pumpkin, and squash family. The average American eats 15 pounds of watermelon w The first National Spelling Bee was held on June 17th, 1825.
a year and these juicy favorites are 92 percent water. w More thunderstorms occur during summer than any other time of year. They
w The Eiffel tower actually grows in the heat of the summer. Due to the iron are also take place more commonly in the south east of England.
expanding, the tower grows about 6 inches every summer. w Popsicles, a popular summer treat, was accidentally invented by an 11-year
w If you love ice cream, the summer season should be your favorite. July is old boy in San Francisco in 1905. He left a glass of soda sitting outside and by the
national ice cream month. next morning the soda had frozen.
w Another interesting fact about summer is that television shows used to only be w Summer camp is a tradition that
reruns during the summer months. The idea being that everyone was outside dates to the start of the 20th century.
enjoying the weather. Today, there are more than 12,000
w A June fun fact is that the month of June is named after the Roman goddess camps in the U.S.
Juno. w Summer on Uranus lasts 21
w The first bathing suit for women was created in the 1800s. It was long sleeved years.
with woolen bloomers. w Americans eat enough hot
w The “dog days of summer” refer to the dates from July 3rd to August 11th. They dogs on July 4 to stretch from
are named so after the Sirius the Dog Star. This star is located in the constellation Washington, D.C., to Los Angeles
of Canis Major. five times.
w Frisbees, invented in the 1870’s as a pie plate, but in the 1940’s, college w Humans are scientifically
students began throwing them around. They have since stopped being used for proven to be happier in the summer.
pie plates and are now a summertime staple. w One of the most stunning meteor
w For a July fun fact, Roman general Marc Antony named the month of July after showers of the year peaks in mid-August.
ComplianCe Department
Neighborhood Compliance issues are being handled by Blake Sanders and he can be reached at 817-894-7606 or Please contact Casey Hatfield in the
administration office for construction permits and questions. Casey can be reached at 817-326-2381 or