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P. 38

DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          38                                          AUGUST 2020

        just for fun

                        Nature Art                                      Art from Found Objects

           Take your child around your yard or neighborhood to  I have always loved creating art from whatever materials I could
           hunt for any cool pieces of nature that catch your eye.  get my hands on.  You can literally use anything.  Buttons, close
           Rocks, acorns, pinecones, grass, leaves, etc...                           pins, golf tees, cans, fabric, ribbon,

           Then pick a place to work and create cool art with the                    old  jewelry,  rocks  and  sticks...  it’s
           pieces you collected. Your art work can be anything                       limitless.  I once made several little
           you want: a cool scene, an animal, just a cool design.                    reindeer at Christmas using sticks
                                                                                     and  corks    and  red  ribbon  that
           Here are some examples:
                                                                                     made a cute tabletop scene.
                                                                                     Let your imagination run wild.  All
                                                                                     you  need  it  a  hot  glue  gun  and
                                                                                     some stuff you don’t need or no
                                                                                     longer has a use.  Make a portrait
                                                                                     or scene or a sculpture.
                                                                                     You can also make a game out of it
                                                                                     for the kids.  The only rule is you
                                                                                     have to use found objects only, you
                                                                                     can’t buy anything.
                                                                                     It’s really cool to see what evolves
                                                                                     from  the  creativity.    I’ve  actually
                                                                                     named  a  couple  of  pieces  and
                                                                                     mailed them to relatives for fun.

           You can also paste the items to a piece of paper and
           hang your child’s nature art on the refrigorater or in
           their  room.    You  can  also  glue  them  to  a  tin  can
           rescued from the trash and plant a seed from vegetables
           processed in your kitchen and watch them grow.
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