Page 12 - The Net - Faversham - Edition 175 - July 2019
P. 12
Clubs and Societies Continued from page 10 Screen @ The Avenue
Community Talk in Herne Bay ‘Wild Rose’ (15)
Tuesday 2nd July, 2.15pm - 4.15pm Theology: Avenue Theatre, Central Avenue,
Life After Death Sittingbourne ME10 4DN
Friday 5th July, 7.45pm
with Dr Chris Deacy, Reader in Theology & Tickets £4.50 from Box Office
Religious Studies at the University of Kent. 01795 471140 or
For details and to book a place ring Rose-Lynn Harlan, played by BAFTA Rising
07919 978883 Star nominee Jessie Buckley (Beast), is
Young Lives Foundation provide support for young bursting with raw talent, charisma and cheek.
people in care or in need across Kent. Volunteers are Her mum Marion (Julie Walters) has had a
needed to act as mentors & befrienders. If you would like bellyful of Rose-Lynn’s Nashville nonsense.
further information please contact YLF on 01622 693459 Forced to take responsibility, Rose-Lynn
or and visit gets a cleaning job, only to find an unlikely
CHURCHES & OTHER RELIGIONS champion in the middle-class lady of the
Bahá’i Faith an independent, monotheistic religion house (Sophie Okonedo). Directed by Tom
established in virtually every country in the world, all Harper, Stars: Jessie Buckley, Julie Walters,
welcome to learn about the Spiritual Teachings of Craig Parkinson, 1 hr 40 mins, Drama/Music
Bahá’u’lláh . Contact 07850 730462 or 07802 751444 or for more information HOBBIES
Faversham Gospel Mission, Tanners Street. Sunday Alpine Garden Society (East-Kent group) meet at
services at 10.30am. All welcome. 01795 531376 Lower Hardres and Nackington Village Hall, Street End,
(answerphone) email:, or 01795 Canterbury, CT4 5NP second Friday each month, 7.30pm
533473, start, Annual subscription £7, free for first year, contact
Glad Tidings Community Pastors, fed up with hassles of details 01795 535919 or email
life? Spiritual help is at hand call pastors Moffat on 07852 ‘Crafty Chat’ Swale Chronic Pain Support Group meet
114894 or Jayne on 07961 933805 for Free prayer and 3rd Tuesday each month, St. Michaels Church Hall,
counselling. Sittingbourne 10.30am - 1.30pm. An informal group
Jampel Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a charitable offering friendship & support, ‘have a go’ at various crafts.
organisation that offers classes on meditation and Donation to cover costs appreciated. Contact Aileen
Buddhism at all levels with the aim of helping anyone find 01634 939256, Wendy 07858 795875, Jeanne 01795
inner peace and a solution to daily problems. Branches 427693 or Ann 01795 473656
across Kent, including in Maidstone. Please visit our
website: everyone is welcome! Faversham Society Open House
Quaker Meeting Faversham Quaker Meeting for Worship 50 years 1969 - 2019
meets on the second Sunday of each month in the Fleur- Saturdays: July 6th, 13th & 20th
de Lis Hall, Gatefield Lane, Faversham, from 10.30 This year is the 50th Anniversary of the
-11.30am. All are welcome. Further information from Faversham societies Open House event and
St John’s Parish Church, Swalecliffe, Sunday and we aim to make it the very best that we have
weekday services. Children and families ministry. Social held with over 50 properties on view some
and community events. Hall for hire. More information of which are not normally open to the public.
from or email sharon. A diverse selection of properties - private houses, public buildings (parts of which
Grand Summer Show are only open occasionally), churches and
Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies new this year The Oare Gunpowder Works
Country Park which is registered as an
Friday 5th, Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th July ancient monument and the SB Repertor a
For gardening lovers who are visiting the handsome Thames sailing barge
Kent County Show, Detling Showground. Admission for all 3 Saturdays £9 for the first
Come and visit this large show in the Garden member of the group (handbook containing
Living marquee near Edward Hardy Avenue details of all properties included) then £5
within the County Showground. for additional members (up to 4 people)
See competitions for beautiful Summer programme only, no handbook, from
Flowers and Vegetables, Baking, Preserves The Fleur de Lis Heritage Centre
and Crafts by competitors from all over Kent, 10-13 Preston Street, Faversham, ME13 8NS
including children. Our show is open for 01795 534542
viewing on all three days of the main show Shepherd Neame Visitor Centre
but not before 11.00am on Friday while the 17 Court Street, Faversham, ME13 7AX
expert judging takes place. 01795 532206
Please see full details on our website or by post from The Fleur de Lis (p&p £2) ...See more clubs and societies on page 14
page 12 the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay