Page 8 - The Net - Faversham - Edition 175 - July 2019
P. 8

Clubs and Societies Continued from page 6  Peace Day Celebrations Centenary
                                               Saturday 29th June (Armed Forces Day)
               Saxon Shore U3a                Meet 10.00am St Michael’s Church car park
              (Herne Bay & Whitstable)       and follow the Armed Forces Parade up the
           Tuesday 25th June, 2.00 – 4.00pm   High Street to Central Avenue where 25 white
                  Swalecliffe Hall            doves will be released to symbolise peace.
          (between Whitstable & Herne Bay)      A once in a lifetime event marking the
         Large social and educational group for   processions held on Peace Day 1919, by
        retired and semi-retired people. Activities   Sittingbourne and the surrounding villages.
      include over 40 varied interest groups, social   Information available from the Heritage Hub,
        events, walks, and regular outings within   The Forum, Sittingbourne
        our area. Look at   or / 07778 793079.
        shore/welcome for full details or contact
              membership secretary at        Peter’s Place works to help young people with life-limiting
                                             illnesses, such as cancer,  by providing  tailored support,
              including mentoring and grants. We support clients aged
      Lost / Found Dogs all missing and found dogs should be   16-30 in Kent, as well as their family and friends, If we can
      reported to the local council dog warden. Help and advice   help you please call 01634 570443.
      available Free of Charge on 0844 8003220 a free poster   Rehab 4 Alcoholism is a helpline for people experiencing
      service is available on line at to help   addiction.  This  helpline  aims to  stop  addiction before it
      find your dog.  Stolen dogs – Kent section of doglost works   becomes too late.  or  ring
      in collaboration with Kent Police.     0800 111 4108
      Lucky Tales Dog  Rescue  Without Borders rescue   SSAFA The Armed Forces  Charity –  Canterbury 01622
      dogs from outside the UK borders and re-home them   792363 Website email  kent.branch@
      within  the UK, we are looking  for foster/adoption
      families, for information contact    SSAFA The Armed Forces Charity – Faversham 01622
      07921  368167  or 01634 222300  visit our website  www.  792363 Website  email  kent.branch@       
      Macmillan Crossroads Care Kent & Medway Volunteer   Samaritans - Need someone to talk to? Feeling sad, low,
      Service support people  affected by cancer and their   depressed or suicidal? We are here 24 hours a day 7 days
      carers.   We offer Practical and  Emotional  support   a  week  to  provide  you  with  confidential  non-judgmental
      and  Companionship  which helps reduce loneliness   emotional support, National Free phone 116 123. Don’t
      and social isolation. For more information, please call   bottle it up – tell someone about it!
      03450 956701 opt 3 or email  enquiries.macmillan@  Save  Manston  Airport  Association  is reaching out to                     find  new  members  interested  in  campaigning  to  bring
      Making Miracles support families of baby loss, trauma,   aviation back to Kent’s International Airport and fight the
      high risk pregnancy and premature babies. Professional   development of houses on the site.  All welcome.  Visit:
      counselling and bereavement care to the whole family. We
      work with local hospitals and communities to provide the   Seeing Dogs Alliance A young charity training dogs to
      support needed.  We urgently need volunteers to help ring   be guides for the blind and partially sighted. In need of
      01622  735230 or see For   families in the area prepared to board training or trained
      more information  email or   dogs for short periods of time. For more information ring
      ring 07791 872115                      01634 572125 email or see
      Medway & Swale Advocacy Partnership a local charity
      providing free  advocacy help to  people  with a  mental
      health issue. If  you have time to spare we also need   Summer Fair
      volunteers for us to train  to become advocates If  you   King Edward Court
      would like to make a difference or need help ring 01634   King Edward Ave, Herne Bay CT6 6ED
      713739 email medway.swale.Msap@gmail.comMedway   (Opposite the Hospital)
      Oldies  Club is a Dog Rescue  that is seeking  forever   Saturday 29th June, 2.30pm
      homes for older dogs. If you know of someone or would
      like to adopt a more mature dog yourself please ring 0844   Come and Have Fun
      586 8656 or find us at   Coconut Shy & Fairground Games
      Pathways  to  Independence  a local charity providing   Play Your Cards Right
      accommodation and support for single homeless people   Craft, Bric-a-Brac and Gift Stalls
      in Medway and Kent. Please see our website for further   Pick a Bottle, Spin to Win
      details or call  01634
      819649 if you wish to make a donation.    Raffles, Tombola and Lucky Envelope
               Canterbury RSPB                 Games, Children’s Corner with Tuck Shop
             Local Group butterfly walk        and Lucky Dip. All Welcome. Free Entry
                                                     Something for Everyone
             Saturday 29th June, 1.30pm       In aid of the residents association and our
                  Blean Woods
           heath fritillary & others less rare      charity of the year, the RNLI.
          Contact        ...See more clubs and societies on page 10
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