Page 22 - The Net - Faversham - Edition 175 - July 2019
P. 22
Clubs and Societies Continued from page 18
Maidstone Ramblers
Traditional Use of Local Plants Wednesday 17th July, 10.00am
Kent Wildlife Trust 11 miles/17.7 km - Moderate finishes 4.00pm
Conningbrook Lakes, Ashford TN24 9QX Starting from Linton public car park by
Sunday 14th July, 10.00am – 12noon Church ME17 4AW GR TQ755502
Learn about the interesting history of plants River Beult, Chain Dene Farm, Stilebridge.
and woods found in the countryside Assistance Dogs Only. Lunch stop at Unicorn
Adult £6, Child £3 Marden, Food Available
Book at Circular walk, Pace: Moderate
Contact: Norman Collins, 07548 257162,
Carers Support Faversham a Charity which supports
unpaid family carers, Meet and Talk group The Alexander
Centre, 15-17 Preston Street, Faversham ME13 8NZ Faversham Activity for Health Providing friendly
first Monday of each month from 2.30pm to 4.00pm No exercise classes for those with Medical, Physical or
need to book, just call in. Call 01233 664393 for more Health problems or those wishing to exercise. Monday
information 9.00am-5.00pm week days and Thursday 11.15am - 12.30pm, Baptist Church
Cocaine Anonymous; Do you think you have a problem Hall, Institute Road, Faversham. For further details
with cocaine and other drugs? Cocaine Anonymous is a contact 07812 854339 or 07940 147717
Fellowship of, by, and for addicts seeking recovery. The Freedom Centre is a local registered charity that offers
only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using social and educational activities to adults with physical
all mind-altering substances. Regular meetings locally disabilities in Kent with the aim of widening activities
see or contact 0800 6120225. and skills. See email office@
Computer Club Whitstable Umbrella Centre IT Suite, or ring 01795 666233
Oxford Street CT5 1DD Tuesdays and Thursdays K. A. B. Sittingbourne Blind Fellowship Club meet
10.00am - 12noon. Drop in class £2 per session, run by Tuesdays 10.00am - 4.00pm Masonic Hall, Albany Road,
skilled volunteers who offer advice on both hardware and Sittingbourne. Contact Ann Caveney 01795 475727 or
software problems. Sign in at the office ring 01227 274880 Michael Goodwin 01795 428448.
or call in for more information. Kent Wide Down Syndrome Group - exchange
Dyslexia House Association We are the local dyslexia information, enjoy social events, Contact 07740 348908
association (affiliated to the British Dyslexia Association) - visit
for Medway, Mid-Kent & Swale. Please see our website for Kent Family Mediation Service - Free workshops
further information: throughout Kent for parenting after separation. Dealing
East Kent Health Walks Come and join us for a short with the impact on the child, managing their own conflict
friendly walk led by a caring volunteer walk leader. and improving the situation. Parents attend different
Everyone is welcome! Phone 0300 123 1220 email kcht. workshops but not essential for both to attend. For more see information email
services/health-improvement/health-walks to find details. Kent Group of Advanced Motorists To improve your
Family Matters provides therapy and support for children driving and pass your Advanced Driving Test contact Terry
and adult survivors of rape and sexual abuse. The helpline Nunn 01634 716049 or see
offers adults practical and emotional support (this is NOT Kent Savers Credit Union provides savings accounts
a 24hr service, (a message can be left and the helpline will and affordable loans to anyone who lives/works in Kent.
call back) Helpline 01474 537392 See, call Mon to Fri 0333 321 9050
Crafty Chat or email Authorised and regulated
Swale Chronic Pain Support Group meet on by the Financial Services for All Kent regions.
the third Tuesday of each month Screen @ The Avenue
St. Michaels Church Hall, ‘Fisherman’s Friends’ (12A)
Sittingbourne, ME10 4PG Avenue Theatre, Central Avenue,
Tuesday 16th July, 10.30am - 1.30pm. Sittingbourne ME10 4DN
We are a friendly informal group offering Friday 19th July, 7.45pm
support to all those with long term chronic Tickets £4.50 from Box Office
pain. Come & join us for a chat where there 01795 471140 or
will be the opportunity to take part and ‘have A fast-living, cynical London music executive
a go’ at various crafts ranging from crochet, heads to a remote Cornish village on a stag
knitting, cross stitch, embroidery & adult weekend where he’s pranked by his boss
colouring or bring your own. We would into trying to sign a group of shanty singing
appreciate a donation of £1.75 to help cover fishermen. Stars: Tuppence Middleton,
the cost of refreshments & hall hire. Contact James Purefoy, Jade Anouka
Aileen 01634 939256, Wendy & Alan 07780 1 hr 52 mins Comedy/Drama/Musical
645482, Ann 01795 473656 or
Jeanne 01795 427693. ...See more clubs and societies on page 24
page 22 the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay