Page 24 - The Net - Faversham - Edition 175 - July 2019
P. 24
Clubs and Societies Continued from page 22
Summer Craft Fair
Saturday 20th July, 2.00 – 4.00pm
St Margaret’s Church, Lower Halstow.
We look forward to welcoming visitors, old
and new, to our second Craft Fair of the
year! Join us for a variety of local produce,
handmade crafts and home baked produce. Saxon Shore U3a
Refreshments available.
(Herne Bay & Whitstable)
A warm welcome as always! Tuesday 23rd July, 2.00 – 4.00pm
Maidstone Semi Colon Club (bowel cancer support Swalecliffe Hall
group), includes Medway Maritime Hospital patients, (between Whitstable & Herne Bay)
meet a few times a year (Saturdays) in an informal Large social and educational group for
setting at the PGMC, Maidstone Hospital. All welcome, for
more information contact Secretary Valerie Nash 01634 retired and semi-retired people. Activities
403222 include over 40 varied interest groups, social
MS Swale an independent charity that believes no-one events, walks, and regular outings within
should have to manage Multiple Sclerosis alone. For our area. Look at
information, support, social activities and exercise ring shore/welcome for full details or contact
01795 435907 email: (Chair), no
membership fee; anyone in Swale with MS; their family or membership secretary at
friend can call for information or take part in our meetings
Oliver Fisher Special Care Baby Trust fund raises for
Medway Hospital neonatal unit who care for 1000 sick SATEDA Employability Volunteering Programme
and premature babies from Medway & Swale every year. Are you a survivor of domestic abuse and want to give
Volunteers for fundraising events and corporate sponsors something back? Join us as a volunteer. Free training,
welcome. Speakers for community groups available. support with further learning, clinical supervision. Build
Email call 01634 825122 or confidence, self-esteem and work place skills in order to
see for more information. gain employment. For information contact 01795 417251
Overeaters Anonymous, Sittingbourne is a fellowship, or email
based on the 12 step program of AA. We work to SEE Autistic Women a social group run by and for
overcome our compulsive behaviour around food; whether autistic women. Iinformal meetups giving autistic women
this is overeating, binging, purging or anorexia. Email the chance to spend time with people who understand or ring what being autistic means. A formal diagnosis isn’t
07305 390674 for more information. required. We welcome LGBT+ people. Information,
Overeaters Anonymous Whitstable Umbrella Centre search ‘SEE Autistic Women’ on Facebook or email
Lounge, Oxford Street CT5 1DD. Thursday 7.00 – 8.00pm
a programme of recovery for eating issues/ disorders Swale Chronic Pain Support Group (Swale & Medway)
including compulsive eating, over-eating, obesity, anorexia The first Tuesday of every month 10.30am - 12.30pm
and bulimia ring 07913 112725. at St Michaels Church Hall, High Street, Sittingbourne,
Parasol Mental Health Support Group peer support for ME10 4PB We are an informal group offering friendship
anyone experiencing mental health issues, or is isolated and support. Contact Jeanne 01795 427693 or Ann 01795
and lonely. Drop in Mondays and Fridays Whitstable 473656 for more details.
Umbrella Centre, Oxford Street CT5 1DD 1.00 – 4.00pm. Swale Community & Voluntary Services supporting
01227 274880 or call in for more information office@ organisations in Swale. We also: find suitable voluntary placements for residents; hire meeting rooms (cheaper
Positive Birth Meet Up Whitstable Umbrella Centre rates for voluntary groups); provide a volunteer transport
Lounge, Oxford Street CT5 1DD. Last Wednesday every and befriending schemes for older people. Contact 01795
month 7.30 – 9.00pm. Meet other pregnant women to 473828 or email
share stories, expertise and positivity about childbirth, Swale Health Walks Graded walks from beginner to
different topics each month.Ring 07733 058611 experienced, for more information phone 0300 123 1220
‘Summer Serenade’ see and select option 2 or email
Upchurch Choral Society
Saturday 20th July, 7.30pm Community Talk in Herne Bay
St Mary’s Church, Upchurch Tuesday 23rd July, 2.15pm - 4.15pm
Music by Mozart and Rutter, including Philosophy: Existentialism
Rutter’s ‘The Sprig of Thyme’ with Dr Todd Mei, Head of Philosophy
Refreshments will be available at the interval. at the University of Kent.
Entry £10 on the door, children free. For details and to book a place ring
Contact Sue Rossiter 01634 234780 07919 978883
for more details ...See more clubs and societies on page 26
page 24 the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay