Page 10 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 10

Clubs and Societies Continued from page 8  Your chance to win a two
                                             course lunch for two people
           Faversham Open Gardens               (Tuesday to Thursday, excluding drinks)
              and Garden Market Day
         Sunday 30th June, 10.00am – 5.00pm  KATHTON HOUSE
      Explore 28 private and community gardens in    6 High Street, Sturry, CT2 0BD
               the heart of Faversham
         Entry to Gardens by Guidebook only
              £6 per person or £10 for 2
               Children under 12 free
             Special Garden Marker plus
       Children’s Competition, 10.00am – 4.00pm
        Guidebooks available in advance by post
        from the Faversham Society, 13 Preston
       Street ME13 8NS or drop in from Mid-May.  Just answer the following question:
      Call 01795 534542 for details. Also on sale on   Where’s Archie ?
        the day from the stall in the Market Place.  Somewhere else in the magazine is a
        All proceeds from this event go to charity   picture of Archie, tell us which page*.
         Train Station only 5 minute walk away       *Not competition adverts
            Congratulations to last month’s winner:
                                                      Julia Dumbleton
      Stacey’s  Smiles Bringing smiles to  children  with   Text NET to 60060 followed by
      Neuroblastoma Cancer by granting wishes and organising
      special treats. To find out more or to become a volunteer   the answer and your full name &
      email ring 0333 323 1883 or   address or email
      see website
      Swale Lions  Club meets 8.00pm fourth  Tuesday each
      month at The Ypres Tavern, Sittingbourne.  We are part   Victim  Support  national charity for  people affected by
      of the largest service organisation  in the world,  raising   crime. Trained support workers offer free and confidential
      funds for those in need within our local community. If you   information, support and practical help, whether or not
      have any spare time and would be interested in joining us   the crime has been reported, and regardless of when it
      (membership open to men and women), please contact:   happened. For details see call
      Margaret Luxton 01795 841439           0808 168 9276 (8am-8pm Mon to Fri or 9am-5pm Sat).
      Swale  Youth  Development  Fund a charity that helps   We all also have a 24/7 Supportline 0808 168 9111.
      young  people  financially  within  Swale  who  have  talents   YouCan  -  Youth  Cancer  Support  provides services
      in sport, music or the arts but struggle to fund their   to young people  and their families  whose lives have
      activity.    Apply   been  impacted  by cancer. Counselling,  complementary
      01795 474075 or email:  therapies,  wellbeing  weekends,  exercise  &  nutrition
      The Brain Tumour Charity inspired  by Samantha   workshops, monthly support groups at Kits Coty. Details
      Dickson raises money for research and supports carers   please contact  01732 844874
      and  patients. For further information  contact  www. or see  Local contact  Olwen O’Dowd
      01634 263622 email
      The  World  is  your  Oyster  (TWIYO)    is  a charity that   Swale Chronic Pain Support Group
      places young persons 16-25 in internship posts. Contact
      us if you would like to avail of a post or if you seek an   (Swale & Medway) meet on the first Tuesday
      intern:  Roger Clark FCA 07582 871143  of each month at St. Michaels Church Hall,
      Tools  with  a  Mission  (Faversham) collects unwanted   Sittingbourne, ME10 4PG
      tools together with sewing machines (manual or electric)   Tuesday 2nd July,10.30am - 12.30pm.
      and knitting machines. After refurbishment all go to Africa.   Chris Nurse - insurance advice
      Local collector Mr Mark Haines 01227 751396
                                              We are a friendly group offering support to
                                               all those with long term chronic pain. The
                 Billy Pettinger               group are supported by the NHS Chronic
                 Live Rock & Roll              Pain Service but we would appreciate a
             Sunday 30th June, 2.00pm         donation of £1.50 pp. to help cover the cost
                Central Bandstand              of refreshments & hall hire. Contact Ann
                   Herne Bay                  01795 473656, Jeanne 01795 427693, Wendy/
                Supporting Demelza             Alan 07780645482 & Aileen 01634 939256.
                                             ...See more clubs and societies on page 12
      page 10                       the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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