Page 6 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 6

Clubs and Societies Continued from page 4          Samaritans
                                                     Need someone to talk to?
           Coffee Break @ St John’s            Feeling sad, low, depressed or suicidal?
            Every Tuesday, 10.00 - 12noon     We are here 24 hours a day 7 days a week to
                 St John’s Centre            provide you with confidential non-judgmental
             St John’s Road, Swalecliffe               emotional support,
        Don’t be lonely, come and join us for tea,   National Free phone number 116 123
        coffee, cake and chat!  No set prices, pay   Don’t bottle it up – tell someone about it!
             what you can. All welcome.
            Details    Holding On Letting Go bereavement charity for children
                                             aged  6 -16 years and their families  throughout  Kent.
      Diversity House  promotes community integration, re-  Do you have any spare time to help: by working with a
      integration, social inclusion and cohesion within the Swale   bereaved child; Fundraising; or helping in the kitchen or
      and Kent. Individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, age,   with general duties during a therapeutic weekend? email
      gender, disability, religion and believes, sexuality, sexual ring 08445 611 511 or see website www.
      orientation, social class, and other social factors, should for more information
      be treated with dignity and respect. Ring 01795 420450   Kent  Association  for  The  Blind Free talk for any
      email or see website  interested club or society on the services we offer blind
      Faversham  Assistance  Centre  (FACE)  A local  charity   and partially sighted people. Approximately 30-40 minutes
      working since 1987 supporting elderly and disabled   helpful and informative talks for clubs. For information or
      people  who  are  financially  challenged  to  stay  in  their   to book a talk, please contact Traci Powers (Fundraising
      own homes longer. We complete  garden maintenance   Manager, Kent Association for the Blind) 01622 691357 or
      and decorating on a donation  only basis. Based in the   email
      Faversham and Sittingbourne areas. If you would like to   Kent Association for the Blind - Swale supports Visually
      know more, please contact Becky Duffy on 01795 530011   Impaired People in Kent and is looking for volunteers for
      or             a variety of roles, for more information please  contact
      Faversham Society, 11 - 13 Preston Street, Faversham   Madeleine  Gray 01227  763366  email  madeleine.gray@
      Membership  includes  a  monthly  newsletter,  expert or see
      speakers at monthly meetings, outings, free entry to the   Kent Autistic  Trust  support over 5,000 people with 01795 534542  Autism  and  other  associated  difficulties.  This  includes;
      Forever  Hounds  Trust   registered homes, specialist supported living, day centres,
      formerly Greyhound  Rescue  West of England  rescues,   respite, family support service and support groups. See
      rehabilitates  and homes greyhounds  and lurchers, we or ring 01634 405168 Head Office
      now have a presence across much of the country. New   14, High Street, Brompton, ME7 5AE
      supporters needed in Kent please contact 03000 111 100   Kenward  Trust  a charity that  provides residential
      or PO Box 1601 Oxford OX4 9JZ          rehabilitation  and  recovery  services  for men, women
      German  Shepherd  Dog  Rescue is a volunteer  run   and ex-service personnel experiencing drug and alcohol
      charity dedicated to the rescue, fostering and re-homing   addiction and education for young people. Sage & Time
      of GSD’s nationwide.  If you think you can offer a GSD   Café, Kenward Conference  Centre and Charitique  help
      a good home or want to help GSDR in any way, please   raise funds see website email
      visit or email  info@ or ring 01622 814187            Living  River  Foundation  We monitor  and  raise
      Harmony  Therapy  Trust provides  free holistic  therapy   awareness to  protect  and improve estuaries and tidal
      to those in Kent living with cancer or other serious life   rivers for plants, animals and those who live and work on
      altering illnesses upon Medical referral. Tel: 01795 663050   them beginning  with the  Thames and Medway Estuary.
      for more information or to ask about volunteering or joining   See email or ring
      us as a paid therapist or e-mail  07956 160822 for more details
      Hi  Kent  –  helping local people living with hearing loss.
      Free hearing aid aftercare clinics, free lip-reading classes,
      free tinnitus support groups, sign language classes, deaf   Alcoholics Anonymous.
      awareness courses, assistive equipment.  Contact 01622   Is alcohol costing you more than money?
      691151,  text/phone  07939  593030  or  email  enquiries@  If your drinking is causing you concern then  or see  there is a solution. AA is an organisation run
      HRS – Radio (Hospital Radio Swale)       by recovering alcoholics with the primary
                                                 purpose of helping others to achieve
        Volunteer to join a great team, you could   sobriety. Call 0800 9177 650 to speak to
      become a Radio Presenter, help in the studio   someone who understands the problem from
      or help run a radio station. Based at Sheppey   personal experience.  AA holds many regular
      Community Hospital we broadcast to waiting   meetings locally, for more information see
           room areas and on the internet.
                                                 ...See more clubs and societies on page 8
      page 6                        the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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