Page 4 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 4

Contacts for Local                      Chatterbox Baby & Toddler Group
      Clubs and Societies                        Fridays (term-time), 9.30 -11.30am
                                                       St John’s Centre,
                                                   11 St John’s Road, Swalecliffe
                  CHARITIES                     For anyone with preschool children.
     Abbey Physic  Community  Garden  ME13  7BG  a   Lots of toys, messy play, a cuppa and a chat -
     charity garden in Faversham focusing on the therapeutic   all for £1 per adult/50p per child.
     benefits  of  horticulture  and  craft.  All  from  age  18  can   All welcome!
     join no experience necessary, just time and enthusiasm.   Details
     Open Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 9am - 2pm, Sat 11am - 3pm
     selling  plants & refreshments. 01795 539915  email or see website   Connect & Care  We provide  domiciliary care that is
     Age UK Faversham and Sittingbourne – Volunteers are   caring,  safe,  effective,  efficient  and  well  led.  We  are
     needed to assist in a variety of roles at all three centres,   passionate to connect & care for our partners! For more
     to  find  out  more  please  email  Gill  Ball  agecorecruiter@  information please see    call or phone 01795 477520.   01634  786790,  07305  958649  or  email:  sidneym@
     British  Wireless  for  the  Blind  Fund supply  specially
     adapted audio equipment on a permanent free loan basis   Congo Action is a Charity run by volunteers to provide
     to UK registered blind/partially  sighted  people,  over the   education in remote parts of DRC (Congo). We would like
     age  of  eight  on  means  tested  benefit.  10 Albion  Place,   to hear from volunteers willing to help us raising funds for
     Maidstone ME14 5DZ 01622 754757 Fax: 01622 751725   our  schools.    Visit  our  website:;
     Email:  Website:  email; phone 01622 682566
     Cats Protection Swale needs more volunteers to assist   Coram Beanstalk  a national charity recruits and trains
     with caring for the cats of Swale. We can offer neutering   volunteers to support children aged 3-13 who benefit from
     vouchers, welfare  and rehoming  advice  and a lost and   extra  reading  support.  Volunteers  work  with  children  on
     found service. Please look out for fundraising events and   a regular, one-to-one basis to improve their reading skills
     support us when you can. Search Swale Cats Protection   and to develop a love of reading and learning. For more
     on Facebook and Twitter or see    information or to apply please visit www.corambeanstalk.
     Cinnamon Trust is a charity for the elderly  and  the or call 020 7729 4087
     terminally ill with pets.  We have volunteers who can help   Demelza  Hospice  Care  for  Children,  Rook  Lane,
     with dog walking or Short Term Fostering of  pets  when   Bobbing, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8DZ for  details see
     owners are unable to care for them.  The service is free.  If or ring 01795 845200
     you need assistance with your pets then call us on 01736
     757900 or email
     Computers  4  Africa  accepts working redundant P.C’s   Lunch Club
     and IT equipment  from individuals,  corporates  and
     organisations, once securely data wiped, they are shipped   If you are over 60, on your own & have
     to schools, colleges, libraries, and other projects in Africa.   transport why not join our Lunch Club.  We
     4 Priory Park, Mills Road,  Aylesford, Kent. See  www.  go to places you do not go to on your own. or call 03000 112233.   We meet monthly in/around Whitstable/Herne
      There are many more events being organised   Bay/ Canterbury & sometimes further afield.
       by local voluntary groups and charities than   We enjoy the occasional evening meals &
        we have space for in our “green boxes” in   Sunday lunches. Lasting friendships have
       this magazine. The full list we hold, in date   been formed. You will be most welcome ring
        order, can be seen on
      To have details of your event included please   07747858430 for next venue details
      email them to Copy date
          for August events Tuesday 9th June  ...See more clubs and societies on page 6
      page 4                         the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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