Page 38 - Maddie
P. 38

Sophia Lia’s Advice & Thoughts

                                  - The Power Of Perspective -

                        The Power of Perspective                     simple as having the capability of observing the different
                                                                     points of view between you and your parents but having
                      Is life happening TO you, or FOR you?          the grace to understand and accept that both views can be
                                                                     potential truths.
                                            It’s a question of perspective.   It could also be as deep as looking at a broken friendship
                                                                     in a way that allows you to accept that it taught you a lesson
                     W    of us coast through life noticing the world, the events  “worse for wear.”
                                                                     you were meant to grow from, as opposed to leaving you
                          hen I sat down to think about it, I realized that many
                     that take place in our lives and our interactions with all those    But shifting perspectives is not always easy, especially
                     we come in contact with as things that are happening “to” us,  when emotions are involved - so here are a few techniques
                     as if humanity is on some sort of “auto-pilot” program that   I’ve found to be useful as I’ve grown on my own path:
                     we have no control over.
                                                                      1.    Learn to become a neutral observer
                      On a conscious level…we observe the world happening
                     around us from a physical perspective, but subconsciously,  Looking at your situation or challenge from an outside point
                     our past experiences and judgements alter how we per-  of view (removing your emotional response to the situation)
                     ceive our tangible world. Have you ever noticed that even   can really help you better understand others’ perspectives
                     throughout the same routine of daily life, you have some   of a situation, not just how you perceive that situation to be.
                     days that are just miserable and everything seems to go  You’ll find this approach can very quickly bring you peace
                     wrong, while some days you feel completely unstoppable   of mind and deescalate negative emotions surrounding the
                    - like the whole world is working for you and everything is   topic or situation.
                     sunshine and rainbows?

            Have You Read It?                   For the most part, our   2.    Take on an optimistic viewpoint
                                               daily events and the rel-
                                               atively routine patterns    Even though sometimes it can be tough to find the light in
                                               of  things  happening  something, if we can identify even one positive thing about
                                               around us go relatively   the “negative” challenge, it can sure open your mind to a
                                               unchanged.  However,  more optimistic perspective overall. Find one good thing
                                               our  perspective  of  our   that could come from your situation, and it’ll be sure to make
                                               environment creates cer-  you more open to accepting the situation for what it really
                                               tain  emotions and  focus-  is (which again, is often nothing more than an opportunity
                                               ing  on  those  emotions   to grow.)
                                               causes the expansion of
                                                        what we see    3.    Practice gratitude, even for the little things
                                                        as  positive
                                                    or negative, large-  Even though you might be facing a sticky situation or feeling
                                               ly dictating whether we   completely overwhelmed with life, keeping a journal which
                                               have a “good” day, or a   includes things or people you are grateful for is a powerful
                                              “bad” one.             exercise to stay happy and positive. When things are going
                                                What’s important to real-  rough, you can refer back to all the good and then come
                                               ize is that your perspec-  back to your situation with a more blessed mindset.
                                               tive can completely make
                                               or break any situation - it    Remember, your mind is an incredibly powerful tool. A tool
                                               all depends on how you   that can quickly influence your emotional responses to the
                                               look at it.           world around you - so when you put it to good use with
                                                A healthy, or positive   repetitive positive thoughts, chances are, you’ll see more
                        If you like what Sophia  perspective might be as   sunshine and rainbows.
                  has to share,  be  sure  to check
                  out her  debut publication which
                  was released this past August.  IG - sophiallia                  Sophia Lia

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