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Catching Up With

                                                    Autumn Nielsen

                                                     Our past teenLook cover girl, Autumn
                                                       is a fitness model, an influencer and
                                                                   content creator.

                                                       We take a moment to see how she
                                                     has been coping during quarantine and
                                                             what her future plans are.

                                                                    IG - nielsen_autumn
                                                                 youtube - Autumn Nielsen
        Photo - Ian Alexander Photography
                                                                 tIktok - nielsen_autumnfit

                   i everyone! I hope you are all healthy and happy. So   Bachelor’s Degree. This education will prove beneficial as I
                   much has happened since my last publication just a   strive to be a leader and role model in the fitness industry.
             Hfew months ago and I am excited and very proud to   On the modeling front, I recently traveled to Columbus, Ohio
              have the opportunity to share with you!           for a super fun fitness shoot with the talented Ian Crumpler. I
              I have managed to graduate high school from Michigan On-  have chosen to use his pictures as the highlights with this arti-
              line Schools. In fact, I completed the second half of my junior   cle.  I am thrilled to be heading to Pittsburg in September for
              year as well as my entire senior year in just 18 weeks. I man-  another shoot, part of which I will be dressing as a superhero!
              aged to use my time in quarantine quite                             I can’t begin to explain just how much
              efficiently which expedited the graduation                          I am looking forward to that. Who
              process for me substantially. Little did I re-                      wouldn’t want to be a superhero for
              alized that I would be a 2020 graduate!                             a few hours?
              Proof that you can make good things hap-                            In July, I made the decision to start
              pen during times of stress and chaos. My                            a TikTok account and that has been
              advice to those that may be struggling with                         a blast! I am excited for the growth
              staying focused and/or motivated would                              my account is seeing in such a short
              be to start a detailed calendar. Planning                         Photo - Ian Alexander Photography  amount of time. Check it out to see
              my days in advance and reviewing them                               sides of my personality of which you
              the night prior as well as the morning of                           have yet to see! Nielsen_autumnfit
              truly helped keep me on task. It kept me                            On a final note, I prepare to enter
              on task with my schooling, workouts, meal                          “adulthood” as I turn 18 this month! I
              times, and “me time”! Give it a try. You                            realize that to many, it is just anoth-
              have nothing to lose!                                               er number. To me, however, turning
              Many are wondering what I plan to do                                18 is like entering a new chapter in
              now  that  I graduated  a full  yr  sooner.  I                      my life. A chapter of which I plan to
              will be attending ISSA College of Exercise                          make a successful one.
              Science in the Fall. Just this past week, I                         To everyone reading this article, I
              was awarded the Frederick C. Hatfield                               hope for you all wellness and pros-
              Memorial Scholarship which allows me                                perity during these trying times. With
              my first two yrs attending at zero tuition! I am beyond hon-  that, I would like to end this with an inspirational quote by
              ored and blessed to have been selected to receive this presti-  Sonia Ricotti in hopes of shining light on all of you beautiful
              gious award! I will receive an Associate’s Degree in Exercise   souls. “Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in
              Science prior to continuing another two yrs to complete my   what will be.”

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